Last updated: Jan 2025
Don’t get me wrong, I Asana but like everything, it has its limits, which is sometimes perfectly fine, especially if you know what/where those limits are
Most of the below limitations are edge cases required to handle large amounts of data, so likely these won’t be an issue to the majority of users.
limitations marked with an exclamation, could not be found in the Asana Help Center, but are mentioned in the forum, thus the relevant links.
limitations marked with a tick are noted in the Asana Help Center but can be easily missed…
limitations marked with a red X are no longer limitations
So let’s vote here to get a comprehensive list added to the Asana guide - it would be beneficial to have these limitations more accessible/public as they may be deciding factors on HOW (not IF) one may go about setting up large organizations before running into performance & usage limitations
To add to the list, just add your comment below!
1. Custom Fields
Asana Help Center to general Field types and limitations
❌ 1.1. Reordering options within a Single-Select or Multi-select custom field
No longer a limitation!
when adding a new option to a single-select custom field with many options, instead of using the ‘+ Add an option’ button at the bottom of the options list, you can ‘insert’ a new option in-between existing options by selecting the option directly above and hitting ‘enter’.
✅ 1.2. Limit of 500 options within a Single-select or Multi-select custom field
Asana Help Centre
Forum closed topic
This number was vastly increased during 2022, currently set to 500 (!!) for single-select options and multi-select options. Asana can put this one to bed for the time being!
❗ 1.3. Limit of 100 custom fields within a single project
Asana Help Centre
Forum closed topic
Increased in May 2023 from 30 to 100 custom fields (plus the 9 default/metadata fields, eg. assignee, due date, created by etc.). Thanks @Andrea_Mayer for raising this here.
❗ 1.4. Limit of 100 custom fields within a single portfolio
Asana Help Centre
Increased in May 2023 from 30 to 100 custom fields
✅ 1.5. Limit of 60 custom fields displayed within a single task's task pane
Asana Help Centre mentions: You can have up to 60 fields per task (this can be achieved by multi-homing a single task to multiple projects).
Since the increase in May 2023, from 30 to 100 custom fields within a project, (see 1.3) this means that a single task can be multihomed to numerous projects that contain 100 custom fields each. However, only the first 60 custom fields are displayed in the task’s pane. The order of the fields displayed is likely deduced by the project’s creation date. I tested multi-homing a task to 5 projects containing 100 custom fields each (500 in total) without any errors but some slightly notable drop in performance, just not as snappy, that’s all.
❗ 1.6. Limit of 20 people in a People-type field
No reference currently in the Help Centre but tried and tested - only 20 people can be added as values into a people type field. Refer to 8.9 below regarding filtering a people-type field.
✅ 1.7. Limit of 10 existing formula custom fields as inputs to a new formula
Asana Help Centre and noted in the forum here.
✅ 1.8. Limit of 2 layers of Formula chains as inputs to a new formula
Asana Help Centre and noted in the forum here.
2. Rules
Asana Help Centre to general Rule types and limitations
Relevant limits are applicable to both rules in Project and Portfolios.
Rules in Portfolios are available on Advanced & Enterprise tiers; not legacy Business or Enterprise tiers.
✅ 2.1. Limit of 50 Rules that can be setup within a single project or portfolio
This limit is applicable to rules in both Project and Portfolios.
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Asana Help Centre
This might be limiting to some users but there are workarounds using multi-homing
✅ 2.2. Limit of 20 Triggers (When) per custom rule
This limit is applicable to rules in both Project and Portfolios.
Asana Help Centre
✅ 2.3. Limit of 20 Actions (Do this) per custom rule
This limit is applicable to rules in both Project and Portfolios.
Raised from 5 to 20 in March 2024 (for projects).
Asana Help Centre
As a workaround, you can create another custom rule with the exact same Triggers to cause another 20 Actions and so on…
❗ 2.4. Limit of 20 subtasks/approvals within 'Create subtasks/approvals ' action
This limit is applicable to rules in Projects, since this action is not available for Portfolios. The same limit applies to ‘Create approvals’ action also.
No longer mentioned in the Help Center but noted here.
Interestingly enough, there does not appear to be a limitation on how many subtasks can be added within these 20 subtasks. I reached 51 subtasks and stopped testing - this appears to be limitless, similar to subtasks within Task templates, refer to 4.1 below.
❗ 2.5. Limit of 100 total 'components' per custom rule
This limit is applicable to rules in both Project and Portfolios.
Raised from 50 to 100 in March 2024 (for projects).
A ‘component’ is regarded either as a trigger, a condition or an action.
No reference currently in the Help Centre but confirmed in the forum, here.
❗ 2.6. Limit of 25 branches (Otherwise if) per custom rule
This limit is applicable to rules in both Project and Portfolios.
Raised from 5 to 25 in March 2024.
No reference currently in the Help Centre but confirmed in the forum, here.
❗ 2.7. Limit of 20 conditions (Check if) per branch within a custom rule
This limit is applicable to rules in both Project and Portfolios.
Raised from 12 to 20 in Q4 2024.
No reference currently in the Help Centre but tried and tested.
✅ 2.8. Limit of 250 Actions per month for 'Starter' plan (org-wide)
Asana Help Center and noted on Asana’s pricing page under ‘Compare all features’.
This is currently a soft limitation which will be enforced sometime in 2025. The actual repercussions, of when you hit the limit, have not yet been announced by Asana.
Note, on the equivalent legacy ‘Premium’ plan, there is no limit on the number of actions, however, the actions are limited, as described here. All Enterprise plans have unlimited Rules actions.
Read more about the different limitations between legacy plans and new plans, here.
✅ 2.9. Limit of 25,000 Actions per month for 'Advanced' plan (org-wide)
Asana Help Center and noted on Asana’s pricing page under ‘Compare all features’.
This is currently a soft limitation which will be enforced sometime in 2025. The actual repercussions, of when you hit the limit, have not yet been announced by Asana.
Note, on the equivalent legacy ‘Business’ plan, there is no limit on the number of actions. All Enterprise plans have unlimited Rules actions.
Read more about the different limitations between legacy plans and new plans, here.
3. Forms
❗ 3.1. Limit of 500 questions (or section headings) within a single form
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Although officially announced at 200 limit, I managed to hit the limit at 500 questions, although there is a warning notification once past the 150 mark that reads ‘Forms with more than 150 questions can be slow to load’ which indeed took about 10 seconds to load, but works!
No reference currently in the Help Center
❗ 3.2. Limit of 20 forms within a single project
At the time of writing, the Help Center refers to 5 forms per project, although confirmed in the forum to be indeed 20 forms per project as of Dec 2022. Note, multiple forms are only available for Business & Enterprise Plans.
❗ 3.3. Limit of 25MB per file uploaded as an attachment to a form submission
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No reference currently in the Help Center but confirmed in the forum. Note that the limit mentioned in this post for multiple attachments is not 100MB, see 3.4 below.
❗ 3.4. Limit of 75MB total for multiple attachments to a form submission
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No reference currently in the Help Center but confirmed in the forum
✅ 3.5. Limit of 5 levels of branches (conditional logic) within a Form
4. Tasks, Subtasks, Task Templates & Sections
❗ 4.1. Limit of 50 task templates within a single project
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No reference currently in the Help Centre but confirmed in the forum here.
Increased from 10 to 20 in Sep 2022 and from 20 to 50 in April 2023.
There also appears to be no limit of subtasks within a task template. I reached 51 and stopped testing.
❗ 4.2. Limit of 30 - 45 dependencies linked to a single task
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No reference currently in the Help Centre. Currently this limitation is not consistent throughout Asana, as pointed out by @Phil_Seeman in his post below.
✅ 4.3. Limit of 20 projects that a single task can be multi-homed to
✅ 4.4. Limit of 60 custom fields within a single task
Refer to 1.5 above
❗ 4.5. Limit of 500 tasks selected at once to perform multi-select actions
Increased from 50 to 500 in June 2024.
No reference currently in the Help Centre.
❗ 4.6. Limit of 1000 visible tasks within a section for it to be collapsible
i.e. in List view, a Section cannot be collapsed if it contains more than 1000 tasks that are visible. eg. if the ‘Incomplete tasks’ filter shows less than 1000 tasks, even though there are more than 1000 tasks in the section (e.g completed tasks also), the section will still be collapsible. No reference currently in the Help Centre.
✅ 4.7. Limit of 100MB per file uploaded as an attachment to a task/comment
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Asana Help Centre mentions: If you have a larger file, consider attaching it from Dropbox or Google Drive. There is no storage limit for the number of files you can upload.
✅ 4.8. Limit of 5 levels of Subtasks
Asana Help Centre mentions: You can create subtasks within subtasks, but you can only have a maximum of 5 levels of subtasks
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❗ 4.9. Limit of 30 Subtasks to calculate column function of custom fields
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Once the 31st subtask is added to a task, the column function (Sum, Average, Count etc) in the List view of a project provides an error that the resulting value can no longer be calculated (as it did for up to 30 subtasks). This applies to all number-type custom fields such as numbers, percent, currency and time tracking. Additionally, if any sort is applied to the List view, the value of the subtasks no longer roll up as shown in the Help Centre; instead only the value of the parent task is displayed.
❗ 4.10. Limit of collaborators within a task (?)
I tested this limit by adding just over 100 collaborators within a task. And that’s where I stopped
No reference currently in the Help Centre.
✅ 4.11. Limit of 2000 tasks with due dates for Critical Path in Timeline
Asana Help Centre. Increased in Apr 2023 from 100 to 2000 tasks
❗ 4.12. Limit of 1000 comments within a task
No reference currently in the Help Centre. Thanks @Andrea_Mayer for discovering this here.
❗ 4.13. Limit of 65,000 (approx.) characters in a task's description
No reference currently in the Help Centre, but noted in the forum here.
Thanks @Andrea_Mayer for raising this and noting it here.
✅ 4.14. Limit of 20 subtasks within 'Create subtasks' rule
Refer to 2.4 above
❗ 4.15. Limit of 50 subtasks visible in Timeline view
No reference currently in the Help Centre. Thanks to @KimberlyAnn_DiCredic for raising this here.
Only the first 50 subtasks will be visible, in the same order as they are in the Task’s details pane. If you apply the filter in Timeline to ‘Incomplete tasks’ then the first 50 incomplete subtasks will be visible and if you complete one of those first 50 subtasks, then the 51st subtask will appear at the bottom of the expand list, and so on.
❗ 4.16. Limit of 15k tasks duplicated when duplicating a Section
No reference currently in the Help Centre but mentioned in the forum, here.
5. Portfolios & Workload
Asana Help Centre to Portfolios usage and limits
❗ 5.1. Limit of 1,500 projects added to a single Portfolio (including archived)
Raised from 500 to 1500 in Jan '24, as announced in the forum here, but take note of 5.2. below…
Asana Help Centre
❗ 5.2. Limit of 1,500 projects or nested portfolios added to a Portfolio for Workload to function
Raised from 500 to 1,500 in Aug’24, as announced in the forum here.
❗ 5.3. Limit of 100 custom fields within a single portfolio
Refer to 1.4 above
❗ 5.4. Limit of 300 tasks per person viewable in Workload
Applies to both Workload of a Portfolio as well as Universal Workload in Reporting.
No reference currently in the Help Centre. Thanks to @Arthur_BEGOU for noting this here and here.
❗ 5.5. Limit of 22 milestones displayed in Portfolio List view
Regardless of how wide you make the ‘Milestones’ column in a Portfolio’s list view, it will not show more than 22 milestones, even if the relevant project has more.
Increased from 12 to 22 in Q4 2024, as reported here.
Asana Help Centre still mentions 12.
✅ 5.6. Limit of 100 Portfolios for Advanced Plan (org-wide)
Asana Help Centre and noted on Asana’s pricing page under ‘Compare all features’.
This was raised from 20 to 100 in April 2024, however, this is currently a soft limitation which will be enforced sometime in 2025, but best to plan ahead from now.
The total number of portfolios per org will also include those pesky ‘My first portfolio’ which usually get created the first time a user opens the Portfolios page. So make sure to get your users to clean up before you collectively hit the 100 portfolios limit!
Note, on the equivalent legacy ‘Business’ plan, the number of Portfolios are unlimited.
All Enterprise plans have unlimited Portfolios.
Read more about the different limitations between legacy plans and new plans, here.
✅ 5.7. Limit of 10 sorts & 10 filters in Portfolios' List view
6. Dashboards & Reporting
❗ 6.1. Limit of 20 items/charts in a Dashboard of a Project
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Asana Help Centre mentions the limit as 15 items, however, you can currently add 20 items/charts.
❗ 6.2. Limit of 20 items/charts in a Dashboard in Universal Reporting
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This appears to be limited to 20 items, although there is no reference in the guide.
7. Importing & Exporting
❗ 7.1. Limit of 2,000 rows for importing a CSV file into a project (?)
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Although not 100% confirmed, and no notes currently in the Asana Help Centre, there are reported performance issues beyond this limit. Thanks to @Bastien_Siebman for suggesting this.
❗ 7.2. Limit of 140,000 rows for exporting a CSV file from a project
Although technically in the Asana Help Centre under release notes for May 2022 (and here in the forum), this is not mentioned in the Help Centre’s relevant article, here.
❗ 7.3. Limit of 5,000 rows for exporting a CSV file from a Search result
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Unlike 7.2, exports from search results are limited to 5,000 rows of a CSV.
Increased from 2,000 to 5,000 in Q4 2024, as reported here.
No mention in the guide.
✅ 7.4. Limit of 500 rows for syncing to a Google Sheet
8. Views, Sorting, Filtering & Grouping by
❗ 8.1. Limit of 1,000 tasks in a Project List view to be able to sort tasks by assignee
Forum closed topic
Not sure this one still applies? We have a project with over 5k tasks and can sort by assignee perfectly fine…
❗ 8.2. Limit of 1,000 tasks in My Tasks to be able to sort tasks in List & Board view
Beyond 1,000 tasks, an error will occur when sorting by Start Date, Created by, Last modified on and custom fields. However, even beyond this limit, sorting seems to work as expected for Due Date, Created on, Likes, Alphabetical & Project. Thanks to @Bastien_Siebman for raising this here.
❗ 8.3. Limit of 10 sorts and 10 filters in Projects' List & Board views
No reference currently in the Help Centre.
You can use a total of 20; i.e. up to 10 filters and up to 10 sorts.
To sort a multi-select field or a people type field, they must be applied first in the sort list. Therefore, you cannot sort by more than one multi-select field or people field or both, but you can sort by one of these two types and then numerous single-select, date, text or number fields (including native Estimated and Actual time fields).
❗ 8.4. Limit of 50 tabs of saved views in projects
Raised in Sep 2024 from 12 to 50.
No reference currently in the Help Centre, but noted by @Jay_DeThomas1 in the forum here.
You can add a total of 50 tabs of the same type; i.e. you can have up to 50 List views if you remove all other tabs such as Overview, Board, Timeline etc. But you always need to have at least 1 List view.
❗ 8.5. Limit of 10 filters in My Tasks
No reference currently in the Help Centre but confirmed in the forum here.
❗ 8.6. Limit of 50 subtasks visible in Timeline view
Refer to 4.15 above
❗ 8.7. Limit of 20 tabs open in the Desktop App
No reference currently in the Help Centre but confirmed in the forum here.
❗ 8.8. Limit of 5 people in Filter by Assignee in a project
No reference currently in the Help Centre but discovered in the forum here. Thanks @Arthur_BEGOU for raising this!
❗ 8.9. Limit of 20 people in Filter by People-type field in a project
Strangely enough, unlike 8.8 above, when you filter a project by a People field the limit is actually 20. No reference currently in the Help Centre - simply tried and tested.
❌ 8.10. Limit of 1,000 tasks for 'Group by' to work in Board view
In Dec 2024, no longer a limitation!
Confirmed in the forum, here.
✅ 8.11. Limit of 10 sorts & 10 filters in Portfolios' List view
Refer to 5.7 above.
❗ 8.12. Limit of 320k approx. characters in the Notes view
No reference currently in the Help Centre but tried and tested and got a message ‘Brief size limit reached’ at approximately 320,000 characters, which is probably plenty.
You can create more Note views. See 8.4 for the limit of total view tabs in a project.
9. File Size Attachments
✅ 9.1. Limit of 100MB per file uploaded as an attachment to a task/comment"
Refer to 4.7 above
❗ 9.2. Limit of 25MB per file uploaded as an attachment to a form submission
Refer to 3.3 above
10. Read-only links (shareable Project views)
❗ 10.1. Limit of 200 tasks displayed in read-only List view
No reference currently in the Help Centre
Note, the shared List view displays the first 200 tasks sorted by ‘None’ order, only.
❗ 10.2. Limit of 200 tasks displayed in read-only Board view, maximum 50 per column
No reference currently in the Help Centre
Note, that the shared Board view displays the latest 50 tasks added to a column.
❗ 10.3. Limit of 100 tasks displayed in read-only Timeline view
No reference currently in the Help Centre
Note, that the shared Timeline view displays the first 100 tasks in sorted by date. Although one cannot scroll to the left or right of the timeline, one can use the zoom controls to Month/Year to display more tasks, these will still remain no more than 100 being displayed.
❗ 10.4. Limit of 100 tasks displayed in read-only Calendar view
No reference currently in the Help Centre. Thanks to @Bastien_Siebman for raising this.
Interestingly, this limit applies irrelevant to however many tasks are due on different days or due on the same day. However, if tasks are due on the same day, the most recent tasks added to that day will appear first, before reaching the 100 task limit, therefore possibly only showing some of the total number of tasks on that particular day.
11. Teams & Projects & Project Templates
❗ 11.1. Limit of 100 projects for the Team page's Calendar view to function
No reference currently in the Help Centre. If there are more than 100 projects within a Team, then that Team’s Calendar view will be disabled. Thanks to @Bastien_Siebman & @lpb for raising this here.
❗ 11.2. Limit of 20 project roles in a project template
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No reference currently in the Help Centre but noted in the forum here.
✅ 11.3. Limit of 10 Teams that a Project can be shared with
Asana Help Centre and mentioned in the forum here.
12. Goals
✅ 12.1. Limit of 100 projects connected to a Goal's automatic progress
Asana Help Centre and mentioned in the forum here.
Raised in Dec 2023 from 10 to 100.
✅ 12.2 Limit of 100 subgoals connected to a Goal's automatic progress
✅ 12.3 Limit of 100 tasks connected to a Goal's automatic progress
Asana Help Centre and mentioned in the forum here.
✅ 12.4 Limit of 120 items connected to a Goal's 'Related work' section
‘Items’ include tasks, projects or portfolios.
Asana Help Centre and mentioned in the forum here.
❗ 12.5 Limit of 4 parent goals connected to a goal
No reference currently in the Help Centre but noted by @Uli.Kisslinger , here.
13. Bundles
Asana Help Centre to Bundles FAQ
✅ 13.1. Limit of 5 bundles added to a single project
Asana Help Centre. Thanks @Arthur_BEGOU for noting this here.
✅ 13.2. Limits of Custom fields, Rules and Task templates within a bundle
The limits of these features respect the current limitations. Refer to 1.3, 2.1 & 4.1 above but also take note of @Arthur_BEGOU’s post here.
14. Accounts & Licenses
❗ 14.1. Limit of 6 accounts added to the profile switcher
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No reference currently in the Help Centre.
When clicking on ‘Add another account’ from your profile menu, Asana will give this message:
Asana only supports up to 6 accounts at a time. Adding a new account will replace your oldest account (
✅ 14.2. Limit of pausing licenses of up to 10% of total members
Asana Help Centre.
The ability to pause a member’s license is available for paid organizations, but is not available for paid divisions or workspaces. The cap is set at 10% of the total subscription size. For example, the billing owner of a 100-seat plan can pause the licenses of up to 10 members.
❗ 14.3. Limit of 100 pending invites
No mention in the Help Centre but mentioned in the forum, here.
15. Users
✅ 15.1. Limit of 15 users on the 'Personal' plan
Asana Help Centre and noted on Asana’s pricing page under ‘Compare all features’.
Note, on the equivalent legacy ‘Basic’ plan, the number of users is limited to 15. All Enterprise plans allow for unlimited users.
Read more about the different limitations between legacy plans and new plans, here.
✅ 15.2. Limit of 500 users on the 'Starter' and 'Advanced' plans
Asana Help Centre and noted on Asana’s pricing page under ‘Compare all features’.
Note, on the equivalent legacy ‘Premium’ and ‘Business’ plans, the number of users is unlimited. All Enterprise plans allow for unlimited users.
Read more about the different limitations between legacy plans and new plans, here.
16. Asana Intelligence
✅ 16.1. Limit of 150 Actions per month for 'Starter' plan (org-wide)
Asana Help Centre and noted on Asana’s pricing page under ‘Compare all features’.
Note, on the legacy ‘Premium’ and ‘Business’ plans, the variety of AI features are fewer compared to the ‘Starter’ & ‘Advanced’ plans. All Enterprise plans currently have unlimited actions.
Read more about the different limitations between legacy plans and new plans, here.
✅ 16.2. Limit of 1,500 Actions per month for 'Advanced' plan (org-wide)
Asana Help Centre and noted on Asana’s pricing page under ‘Compare all features’.
Note, on the legacy ‘Premium’ and ‘Business’ plans, the variety of AI features are fewer compared to the ‘Starter’ & ‘Advanced’ plans. All Enterprise plans currently have unlimited actions.
Read more about the different limitations between legacy plans and new plans, here.
17. Apps & integrations
✅ 17.1. Limited to Enterprise, Enterprise+, or Legacy Business plans to use Tableau, Power BI, and Salesforce integrations.
Asana Help Centre for Tableau
Asana Help Centre for PowerBI
Asana Help Centre for Salesforce
Also noted on Asana’s pricing page under ‘Compare all features’.
Note, the equivalent legacy ‘Business’ plan, as well as all Enterprise plans, allow you to connect these integrations.
Read more about the different limitations between legacy plans and new plans, here.
I’m sure there’s more to add so please let me know and help keep this post updated
See all of my top tips & tricks on my website.