In one of our projects, there’s an error message saying ‘this project has too many tasks to be sorted by assignee’. Has anyone experienced this? Is there a limit how many tasks can be in a project?
I have seen some similar things like “this field is used on too many projects, you can’t reorder options” or “this section contains too many tasks to be closed”. I don’t really know the limit, maybe @Rebecca_McGrath can help!
Hi @Katerina_Rozmanova, welcome to the Asana Community Forum
Unfortunately, we do not support sorting by Assignee if the project has more than 1,000 tasks. Is this the case with your project?
@Julien_RENAUD we talked about this today, but with a multi-select. @Rebecca_McGrath with a multi-select what’s the limitation?
Hey @Bastien_Siebman, could you clarify what you mean when you say “what’s the limitation” with multi-select custom fields?
Hi @Rebecca_McGrath, thanks for confirming, I think this will be the problem in this case
Julien had a similar error “this project can’t be sorted by X”, X being a multi-select field. And I was wondering when do you start to have this issue? Is it when you reach a certain number of tasks? Maybe a certain number of options as well?
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