Multihome a task in more than 20 projects

Hi Asana members!

We use templates a lot. We have some tasks that are relevant for several template projects. E.g. we have a template task for completing and archiving a client project.
I am struggling with a good way to maintain such a task. Below the struggles:

  • This task is relevant for +20 template projects. I don’t want to maintain that specific template task to +20 templates individually, because if then I want to adjust the task I need to do it twenty times.

  • Additionally, if I add 1 template task to all template projects, and you use that template, that specific task will be part of 20 projects. Also not ideal.

Now I have created an external template task project where I held such tasks and we duplicate them when needed and move them to the relevant project. However, this is also not ideal, because people can forget to do this, since it is not in the template projects we use.

Somebody knows a better solution? And can you use workflows to duplicate such a template task (e.g. when you create project X, then create duplicate task Y)?



Hi @Witold_Rosendaal, thanks for reaching out!

I see what you mean, it’s not yet possible to multi-home a task in more than 20 projects/templates. From your description, I see you are already following the workarounds I usually advise.

I’ve gone ahead and moved this thread to the Product Feedback category to allow votes. I’ve also adjusted the thread’s title to make it more discoverable for other users. I hope you don’t mind!

Let me know if you have follow up questions!


ok great thanks @Emily_Roman

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If I am not mistaken, it is actually not “not ideal” but rather “catastrophic”: the task will be created in the new project, but also duplicated inside the 19 other templates. Am I right? :thinking:

Yes that is correct!