I’m happy that they increased the rule limit from 20 to 50 in March, but we’ve got a really complex set of rules, and we’ve already hit the 50! We’ve set up this incredible forms based submission system that automatically assigns tasks, categories, and even sends messages out via slack. Any chance of an increase beyond 50?
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I recommend also looking through this post where some workarounds have been shared.
Thanks, yeah, none of these work arounds really solves our issue. We’re okay now (we’re right at 50), but as we grow, we’ll need more rules. I hate to break it out into multiple projects. (We’ve got a form that someone fills out, and it assigns tasks, etc. I suppose we could have the one form turn around and re home it to a different project and have it run the rules in a new project, but that’s a big Pain.
Yeah makes total sense.
Btw don‘t forget upvoting yourself
I explored some, and one of the problems is that we’ve got field definitions in project a, that when we copy the task to project b, the field definitions don’t copy. The reason that’s important is we’re using custom fields for routing. Yeah, we could make them available library wide, but with multiple departments in our company using Asana, that gets dicey.
Hi @anon51663663 I’m the original poster of the linked message that was referenced. I’m working with a client now with this same issue and we are exploring both using Flowsana and breaking the process into multiple projects. The multi-project option is not going to work well for my client (I am not going to recommend it), but I can recommend Flowsana as I have used it with other clients in different ways. It is inexpensive and @Phil_Seeman is very helpful. As he stated in the linked post, there are no rule limits in Flowsana workflows.
My company is looking at Asana alternatives (much to my chagrin) and if I go back and ask them to authorize and invest in another product to resolve our current issues in Asana, their heads will explode.