Hi Asana Community!
I’m Maggie Blackburn, and I’m a Product Marketing Manager at Asana here to share some exciting new product updates with you all.
More than ever, it’s critical to deliver projects on time. In order to do that, it’s important to get clarity into what’s happening across team members and also make it simple for them to find what they need.
That’s why we’re introducing saved views for projects to help you and your team see what’s most relevant to your work. This feature allows you to create up to 50 tabs per project with multiple list, board, calendar or timeline tabs. You can apply filters and sorts to a project, and then save the view as a tab in your project. For example, you might try to:
- Set up a board view that shows you the progress for open tasks
- Set up individual list views for each project team member
- Set up multiple calendar views to view schedule by month
We are gradually rolling out this update and it will be available to all customers in August.
We know this has been a long-requested feature by forum members, and we’re excited to know how you’re going to set up your project. Please let us know in the comments!
This is brilliant Maggie!
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Excellent, @maggieblackburn–thanks!
I’m going to be able to simplify by avoiding the rules/multi-homing/other projects workaround to achieve this now!
Thanks again,
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this is great news! I usually have multiple projects created to handle all trackers from different clients/workgroups. I can now compile them all in one project. Great job! Will this be available too for Premium? We haven’t been getting much new features.
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Yes, every plan; even Basic!
Yesterday during a meeting, I got really excited about a big update and couldn’t help but get distracted thinking about all the ways it could be used.
This is big! This is going to be a game-changer. Can’t wait for this launch.
This is AWESOME!! Can’t wait for this. Thank you!!
I’ve just been trying this and have some early feedback @maggieblackburn. I’ve made a copy of a timeline in a project, and moved the sections around, so the second timeline shows things at the top which are most relevant to a specific team. I couldn’t hide the other sections, or filter the timeline to only show specific sections. Both of these features would be great, but are not available (timelines only have sorting, not filtering).
But even re-ordering the sections doesn’t work. As soon as I exit, and return to the timeline, it’s just the exact same as the original timeline, and it hasn’t remembered me moving the sections around.
Is that expected behaviour, or a bug?
Edit – it does respect the re-ordering, but it applies the ordering to the entire project – all the various views. Rather than just the timeline view that I wanted to change. And the timeline still defaults to the previous layout, even though there are sections above it (that can be accessed when scrolling up). Definitely feels like a bug?
Hi @maggieblackburn 
This feature is really useful and can’t wait to take advantage of it! 
May I ask if it’s supposed to be already available or it will be rolling out till the end of August?
Because for now, I see the three dots but only for setting the view as default.
Thanks in advance,
O M G. I am so gonna play around with this!
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Thanks for sharing your feedback with us! In order to save a specific sort and filter view and in your new Timeline, you need to save the view here:

Let me know if this is not what you are referring to, @Ronan_Gay!
@Elina_P we are gradually rolling out this update, and it will be available to all customers by the end of August 
Hi @Emily_Roman when changing the layout of a timeline view, there is no save button. And changing the order of sections definitely applies it to all other views too. Hope that helps. On the topic of timelines, it would be great to be able to filter them if needs be, and hide certain sections. This is great for particular projects when you might want to see a timeline view for one department, but not exclude some other departments.
All the best
Has this been rolled out to all costumers? We haven’t seen this update yet.
Second that… waiting for it.
So excited! I was incredibly frustrated by the lack of this feature in onboarding to Asana for a new job after using clickup. It’s still not available to my team though, unfortunately. Anxious to incorporate it into our flow.
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