⚖ The new Asana tiers: what we gain, what we lose

Following Asana’s announcement of the changes to their product tiers, I thought it may be useful to understand what each paid plan is gaining and losing, particularly for those who use the legacy Premium and Business plan tiers.

(For everything else, such as when these changes will come into effect, please refer to the announcement post, here and Asana’s pricing page. For limits on users and features, see this Asana Help Center article.)

Below are the main highlights that I could see having the most impact, but there could be more nuances to be discovered, so please let me know in the comments!

Basic → Personal

Feature Before (Basic) After (Personal)
Users :+1: Up to 15 Members (no Guests) :-1: Up to 10 Members (no Guests)

Premium → Starter

Feature Before (Premium) After (Starter)
Users :+1: Unlimited Members & Guests :thinking: Up to 500 Members (unlimited Guests)
Rules :-1: Predefined rules with limited features but unlimited actions :thinking: Custom rules with all native triggers & actions and ‘External actions’ but limited to 250 actions/month. **
Universal Reporting (Insights>Reporting) :+1: Feature available :-1: Feature not available
AI Features :-1: Only Smart summaries, Smart editor & Smart fields :+1: Same, plus: Smart answers & Smart status*

Business → Advanced

Feature Before (Business) After (Advanced)
Users :+1: Unlimited Members & Guests :thinking: Up to 500 Members (unlimited Guests)
Portfolios :+1: Unlimited :thinking: Limit of 100 portfolios in total (for entire space).
Rules :+1: Custom rules; unlimited :-1: Custom rules with all native triggers & actions and ‘External actions’ but limited to 25K actions/month **
Integrations :+1: Tableau, Power BI, and Salesforce integrations available :-1: Not available; requires Enterprise or Enterprise+
AI Features :-1: Only Smart summaries, Smart editor & Smart fields :+1: Same, plus: Smart answers & Smart status*

(*) Limits may potentially be applied in the future to AI features, as noted in this useful post.
(**) At the time of writing, it is unclear from Asana what the ‘repercussions’ will actually be once the rule limits are exceeded.

Thanks to @lpb for the below:

no before plan → Enterprise

Note that this new plan uses the name “Enterprise” but is not the same as the old plan named “Enterprise” (see next category). This new plan offers a subset of all Enterprise-level features at a lower-price point than the next plan below.

Enterprise → Enterprise+

The most comprehensive Asana plan has been renamed.

:arrow_heading_up: For more on what you gain when you upgrade to Enterprise, check out this post.

:rocket: See all of my top tips & tricks on my website.


Thanks, @Richard_Sather. I’ve linked to this from my Forum Leader Tip: Understanding prior Asana plan names (Basic, Premium, Business, Enterprise) in past Forum posts.

The :-1: and :+1: are helpful, but there are different interpretations: One forum member wrote today that he sees the 250 actions limit with custom rules as a con, not a pro

And as you mentioned there are other details not included, such as number of user limits in the two new plans shown.

Will you consider adding sections for Basic → Personal and Enterprise → (new) Enterprise and Enterprise+, which also have pros and cons?




Hi @lpb ! Yes, I understand some :-1: and :+1: could be debatable. Perhaps we could add a :thinking: to the one you mentioned…?
And yes, we could definitely build the list to include the other tiers… once I do my homework :nerd_face:
Feel free to help out by adding your comments!



Custom rules with all features

Where did you see that, @Richard_Sather? I haven’t seen anything about Starter getting custom rules?

Tried and tested, @Phil_Seeman :wink:
I was also surprised but it makes sense, considering the revised wording in the tier comparison on the Asana pricing page no longer mentions ‘Custom Rules’ - it’s now simply ‘Rules’ with a comparison of the number of actions per month.

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OK, I believe you! Just surprised as it wasn’t mentioned in any webinars/meetings or slide decks I’ve seen.


Could you elaborate on what 250 actions means?

  • Is this 250 rules?
  • No. time rules are activated during a month?

I hope it’s not the latter. We have a lot of boards, lots of team members and lots of rules to simplify our work flows.


Hi @Clare4 , it’s means the amount of actions that a single rule will perform, when triggered. And the limit renews every month. You can read more on these in the links I provided in the original post above, particularly this one:

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Just to highlight what @Richard_Sather said: it’s essentially your above-quoted bullet point except that if a rule is activated and it has multiple actions, each of those actions counts as 1 toward the limit. This is illustrated in the Guide article he linked to:

When a rule runs, it can generate one or more actions. For example, if the trigger is Task moved to a section and has Set assignee and Set priority as actions, these count as two actions towards your plan’s limit.

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Thank you for the explanation, I missed the guides within the original post.


@Phil_Seeman , @Bastien_Siebman , FYI, I noticed that the Rule builder in ‘Starter’ (legacy Premium) does not include the ‘External actions’ list. I was fairly certain that iDO and Flowsana actions (as well as all other apps) were available for Premium, right?

@Marie , @Emily_Roman , could you please confirm whether this is indeed true or temporary?

Starter space:

The ‘create custom rule’ has been enabled for Starter spaces.
Note on the left, all the apps available.

But in the custom rule builder there are no ‘External actions’ :thinking:

Legacy Business space:


Whoa. Well that’s not good, both from an end-user standpoint and speaking as the purveyor of Flowsana, one of those External Action apps! That really limits the feature expansion from Premium to Starter of including custom rules. There now needs to be a big asterisk* whenever stating that Starter now includes custom rules!

Nope. Only with Business and Enterprise. There are some external app actions available in Premium, but only those specific apps listed in that left-hand panel, and only some limited actions.

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You’re right, that was indeed the case!

I agree, I’ve updated my OP.

Btw, are we clear on whether the ‘External actions’ will count towards the 25k action/month limit? Surely not, right? :thinking:

They definitely do, I believe Craig clarified that point. Why wouldn’t they.

That’s bad. @Marie do we know if this is normal?


Let me check on this and get back to you as soon as I have an update!


Correct, we were told that External actions do count against the limit.


@Marie this actions limit seems extremely low. I have some very basic rules, like moving tasks in ‘My Tasks’ to a section based on due date. If we are limited to 250 actions per month for that rule, we are looking at an average of 11.6 actions per day. This will be burned through in a week and will make in impractical you use by Tasks as everything will be poorly organized. Small teams with people that have a lot of basic tasks that need to be scheduled would be forced into buying the upper tier just to manage basic daily personal workload. I think this needs to be 10x’d at a minimum.


Is there some sort of notification if rule 251 fails to trigger (exceeds limit)?


From the Asana Guide:

As your plan nears its limit, the billing owner will receive notifications in the product and via email.


Billing owners, portfolio creators, and rule owners will be notified when reaching their limits.

Also note we’ve been told that the limits will be informational only and not enforced until some later as-yet-unspecified date.

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…unless you upgrade or downgrade to one of the new tiers, anytime before 2025, the limits will be enforced immediately, right?