Understanding prior Asana plan names (Basic, Premium, Business, Enterprise) in past Forum posts

Hi everyone!
Thanks so much for this post! It’s really helpful.

Do you have any recommendations on staying in the legacy plans until 2025 or switching to the new plan beforehand? (My org uses the legacy business right now, and we plan to move to Advance)

Even though there is a wonderful article from @Richard_Sather on what we gain and lose, it seems that the limitations are a problem, but also all the new releases and ways to use Asana now are tied to the new tiers. (i.e. I can’t see the limits in my admin console to learn how to use it and adjust our work accordingly, or new feature releases are connected to the new tiers, and not sure if they will be included in the legacy ones). Maybe these issues are also part of what we gain and lose during the transition process.

I’m on the fence between changing at the end of our current plan and renewing with the new tiers or just waiting until the automatic migration in 2025.

Thanks in advance for your time and advise!

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