Streamline work using Bundles

Bundles are meant for managing work at scale.

They allow you to easily add and sync sets of sections, custom fields, rules, and/or task templates to projects and templates.

In this article, I’m giving you 5 tips on how to work with bundles effectively.


1. When to use a bundle

My advice is to use a bundle when:

  • you need to add sections, custom fields, rules, or task templates to multiple projects
  • these need to stay in sync across these projects

Note that I didn’t say “when you expect these will change”.

Expect change, and be ready for it using bundles.

“When faced with two or more alternatives that deliver roughly the same value, take the path that makes future change easier.”

David Thomas

:bulb: Only include what needs to stay in sync. It’s fine to have exceptions for specific projects.

2. How to find your bundle

Navigating bundles can be tricky, as they don’t have their own place in the sidebar. Here is how you can get to bundles.

The usual way

  1. Find a project that has your bundle applied to it
  2. Go to Customise > Bundles (Edit section) and Select bundle (How to use the customise menu)

If you don’t have a project that has a bundle or can’t quickly find it, you can do the following:

  1. Open any project
  2. Go to Customise > Bundles (Add section)

:bulb: The shortcut

What you can also do is navigate to: in your browser. (Thanks for that tip @JeremieBergeron ) Save this as a bookmark or make a shortcut for easy access.

If you - like me - think this can be made more intuitive, add your vote and voice here: Make navigating to bundles easier

:bulb: You can create a new bundle in either of these places, but you can also generate a bundle from a project under the Customise menu.

:warning: Note that this option will move everything to the bundle. :warning:
So if any fields, rules, sections or task templates are project specific @Chris_Pearson’s clever workaround (item 4) might save you from having to remove this from the bundle and re-adding it to the project:

  1. Duplicate the project
  2. Remove the project specific things from the duplicate project
  3. Create a bundle from duplicate project

3. How to use the preview tab

When you open a bundle, the preview tab shows you the basic options you have.


On the left side, you see the main bundle info at a glance.


Right to the overview, you can see the details of what is included.
Note: you can click to preview, not to edit. (more on editing later)

Manage access

It is important that you manage bundle access properly.

You can do this by clicking the slider icon on the top right of the overview or clicking an avatar under Managed by in the overview.

The options are quite self-explanatory. Find the right balance between enabling frictionless changes to the bundle and mitigating the bus factor.

:warning: Custom library fields may have their own access settings. When you use them in a bundle, you might want to match those settings to the bundle settings. :warning:

Editing a bundle

If you have edit rights, you will see edit at the bottom right of the preview screen.

:warning: Editing does not update any added projects or templates. More pushing the changes to added projects and templates under How to use the dashboard tab.:warning:

Adding/removing a bundle

If you’ve navigated to the bundle overview through the customize tab, you will see an option to Add to project or Remove from project depending on whether the project through which you navigated to bundles contains the bundle or not.

More actions

On the top right behind the three dots, there are more actions.
You can Copy bundle link for easy reference.

And you can also Duplicate bundle. This creates a copy of the bundle that isn’t applied to any projects or templates yet.

:warning: Duplicating a bundle introduces redundancy. :warning:
This means that any changes you would want to apply across the board would require updating multiple bundles. And this is precisely what we aim to prevent with utilizing bundles.

So, before you duplicate, consider if you really have to. An alternative option is to split the functionality across multiple bundles: A main bundle that contains the core functionality, and another bundle that has specific functionality that only applies to a subset of projects.

4. How to use the dashboard tab

The dashboard shows you:

  • Name - which projects and templates have this bundle applied to them
  • Work Type - whether it is a project or a template
  • Status - The status changes being pushed
  • Last updated - when the last time was that bundle changes have been pushed to these projects
  • Added by - who added the project to the bundle (or bundle to the project :upside_down_face:)

Apply changes

When not all of the projects have the latest version of the bundle, you will see a big blue [Apply changes] to push the bundle changes to these projects.

Add bundle to projects, templates, and portfolios

Use [+ Add to my work] to add the bundle to individual projects, templates, or entire portfolios.
:warning: Portfolios will not be added as an entity, so will not sync. Rather, the bundle will be added to all the projects in that portfolio at that time. :warning:

Bulk remove bundle

When hovering the mouse over the list, you will see checkboxes appear that you can use to bulk remove the bundle from all selected projects/templates.

5. Examples of things to do with a bundle

Now that we’ve gone through when and how you can apply bundles, let’s dig into some examples of what you can use bundles for.

Common tasks

A task template is a great way to standardise common tasks. When you add one or more task templates in a bundle, you can have these templates available across your organisation whilst still being able to update these templates across your organisation from a single point.

Now that is standardisation as a basis for continuous improvement.


Sometimes deadlines are missed.
Add one or more rules to a bundle to send friendly reminders.


I have a monthly recurring project, for which I like to check the high-level progress at a portfolio level.

All the tasks are there, with a start and end date, and adding milestones feels a bit redundant, as completing all the tasks blocking the milestone would mean the milestone is achieved.

So I’ve set up an autocomplete bundle that I’ve added to the project template so that it is automatically added to all projects created from this template:

Note that you need to add the Autocomplete library field to the bundle before adding the rule.

Now add the bundle to your monthly project template, and fill the Autocomplete field for the milestones you want to automatically complete.

:information_source: Future options might include autocompleting milestones only, which would negate the use of the field as Rules based on task types (milestones or approvals) is currently in development

Section Sync

Sometimes you want tasks to sync sections when they are multihomed in multiple projects.

Set this up like so:

  1. Add the sections you want to the bundle
  2. Add a custom library field (single select), call it section field (or find a name that is apt for how you’d call the group of sections), and add all section names as options.
  3. Set up a rule triggered by changing the field, and add branches to move the task to the corresponding sections (check if: section field is set to section x :arrow_right: Do this: Move task to section x)
  4. Set up a rule triggered by a section change, and add branches to set section field to the corresponding selection.

Now it will work in one of two ways:

  1. Someone changes the section of a task.
  • section field will be updated
  • The updating of this field will trigger the changing of the sections in all projects this task is multihomed to that have this bundle
  1. Someone changes the section field
  • The updating of this field will trigger the changing of the sections in all projects this task is multihomed to that have this bundle, including the current project.

:warning: Keep the :white_check_mark: Allow this rule to be triggered by other rules setting selected for this to work properly⚠️

What are the favourite ways you’ve utilised bundles?

Now I’ve shared a couple of examples, but the possibilities are endless.

I’d love it if you’d share the ways you’ve utilised bundles.

Action bundle - Tyffany Fung & Richard Sather

@Tiffany_Fung explains how she’s using a bundle to do some rule wizardry.

:white_check_mark: Using a custom field as a button available over many projects to trigger various automations
:white_check_mark: Automations centrally maintained in a bundle.

Perfected by @Richard_Sather by adding the last action to re-set the action field for future use:

I’m certainly going to try this one!

Dynamic workflows - Chris Pearson

@Chris_Pearson takes bundles to the next level in setting up dynamic workflows across his organisation :exploding_head:

:white_check_mark: Centralised process updates
:white_check_mark: Made processes dynamic/adaptable
:white_check_mark: Dynamic creation of subtasks based on form input
:white_check_mark: Reduction of manual process maintenance
:white_check_mark: Head of automation has more time to look at the bigger picture
:white_check_mark: Visualised process for clients

Jan-Rienk - Asana Expert @ Improving Every Day


I’d be curious to see the creative ways my fellow forum leaders have come up with to utilise bundles. :slight_smile:

@ambforumleader @pforumleader


Great work!


Fantastic post, @Jan-Rienk; so clear and comprehensive!

Two related suggestions:

  • In “Section Sync” I think it would help in (2) to clearly state the name of the custom field you’re suggesting to create, and
  • Perhaps choose a custom field name other than precisely section to add clarity by disambiguating when you’re talking about Project Sections vs the custom field.

Thanks for considering,



Good feedback. section field was the best I could come up with. But let me know if you have a better name. :slight_smile:




@Jan-Rienk thank you for this, it was a great starting point for us as we have recently upgraded to Enterprise in order to use this feature, I have some learnings from our roll-out that I wanted to share with everyone:

  1. Sections - Make sure you know the order of your sections, as once you have created Sections in a Bundle and applied them to a project if you were to add another section to the Bundle it will put the new Section at the top of any projects it is applied to regardless of what position it appears in the Bundle.

  2. Rules - you can only create rules in a Bundle that rely on Fields if the Field is also in that bundle, so think carefully about the rules you may want and look at the Fields for the Bundle at the same time as the Rules.

  3. Fields - do not include any Fields in a Bundle that are not global, for instance, we have a field called ‘:world_map: Location’ that is unique to every client, therefore we left this out of the Bundle but included it in the project Template.

  4. The Generate A Bundle from an Existing Project is great, however, please be aware of my comment in 2. Rules, as it will take all rules by default so any project specific rules you will need to delete from the Bundle and re-add manually to the project, therefore before doing this I recommend duplicating the existing project you will create a Bundle from first so that you can refer back to any fields you need to recreate. Also, this may have changed but it is not intuitive where the Generate Bundle button is and it can only be done for a Project that does not have a Bundle applied. The button is in the Customize - Edit menu option of a Project:

  1. Project Template vs. Duplicate Project. As the project templates do not currently allow the copying of Views I am in favour of Duplicating a Project and using that as a Template to avoid the laborious work of recreating the views. I would be keen to hear others thoughts on this and hope Asana implements this soon (please vote for Saved view tabs to be supported in Project templates ). Example of views we have:

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Hi @Chris_Pearson, great points!

I’m assuming your location field was a dropdown field, right? If it was a text field it could obviously be added to the Bundle, instead.

“I’m assuming your location field was a dropdown field, right? If it was a text field it could obviously be added to the Bundle, instead.” You are right, it is a drop-down.

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Very valuable information, @Chris_Pearson; thanks for writing this up!


My favorite use so far has been creating a drop-down field called “action.” Then, I make rules and triggers for various things that may apply to a specific task within a project but not ALL the tasks in a project.

(Disclaimer - Most of my tasks have standard subtasks that need to be completed before the task can be completed. I use subtasks so that everything related to the task is contained in one spot).

For example, say I have a Task1 in Project A that has turned into a purchase and now needs specific subtasks. Instead of creating a new task from a template or adding the purchase subtasks one by one, I created a rule, “if the action field is changed to ‘add purchase subtasks’ then add the following subtasks.” Then, I can trigger dates and variables that are more specific than a generic task template allows.

I hope that makes sense! It’s been a huge time saver and a way for me to automate very unconventionally.


Important: Only accessible for enterprise.

Am i right?

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Great use case, @Tiffany_Fung !
In some cases, for such ‘action’ dropdowns, I add a last action to the rule to clear the dropdown custom field once the rule is completed. That way, the dropdown works more like an action button, rather than a static selection remaining in place.

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Correct, @Robert_T4DT , the Bundles feature is available for legacy Enterprise tier as well as the current (newer) Enterprise and Enterprise+ tiers.

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Thanks @Chris_Pearson ! Glad to hear this. :slight_smile:

Good point! I actually already created feedback on this: 🐞 Make Bundle section order leading for project section order

This related request is being considered at the moment: Ability to tie custom field editing permissions to Bundle editors only

Good solution, although I think you could add a non library field to the bundle just the same. It’s just that:

  • it will make a copy per project
  • options will be project specific
  • You can’t use it to search across multiple projects

Different solution, same result.

Good tip! Added to main post.

I agree wee need this in templates! Voted. :slight_smile:

@Tiffany_Fung I love this idea! Thank you for sharing! :unicorn:

I can’t believe I didn’t think of that! Adding that into my bundle. Thank you!


@Jan-Rienk thank you for the response, please see below.

@Jan-Rienk maybe I have misunderstood your response, but if I add a non-library field to a bundle I cannot change the values in each project, please see below, I created a non-library field for location and applied it to a bundle and when I go to edit it for a specific project I get the following:

So I think including the field in the original template or project to be duplicated is the simplest way, although I am hoping this is incorrect.

@Chris_Pearson I stand corrected!

I thought that the bundle worked in the same way, but I didn’t verify.

I’ve done some testing and this means:

  • You can sync custom field settings over multiple projects without the field being in the library
  • Edit access of this field is synced with the bundle
  • You can use this field in search over multiple projects

I think this is actually quite good, and in line with what bundles are meant to do: synchronise things over multiple projects.

Your workaround to add a non-library field to a template when you’d actually want different values seems a good one.

@Jan-Rienk thank you for this, I had not considered
“Edit access of this field is synced with the bundle” so in effect, you could have 3 types of custom fields - 1 specific to a project/project template, 1 in the field library or 1 as part of a bundle. I must think about this over a cup of tea and a biscuit.

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