Streamline work using Bundles

My favorite use so far has been creating a drop-down field called “action.” Then, I make rules and triggers for various things that may apply to a specific task within a project but not ALL the tasks in a project.

(Disclaimer - Most of my tasks have standard subtasks that need to be completed before the task can be completed. I use subtasks so that everything related to the task is contained in one spot).

For example, say I have a Task1 in Project A that has turned into a purchase and now needs specific subtasks. Instead of creating a new task from a template or adding the purchase subtasks one by one, I created a rule, “if the action field is changed to ‘add purchase subtasks’ then add the following subtasks.” Then, I can trigger dates and variables that are more specific than a generic task template allows.

I hope that makes sense! It’s been a huge time saver and a way for me to automate very unconventionally.