Hi @Veronica_Laurora1 ,
This help article might be useful for utilising search: Find work fast with search
For changing fields in bulk I’d advise to use multi-select:
- Go to settings > display >
Show row numbers
- Select the first task
- Select task nr. 50 whilst holding down [shift]
- Change the custom field
Then repeat for max 50 tasks at a time.
If you go over 50 then changing the fields takes way longer.
This is where to place your mouse when selecting tasks:
@Richard_Sather is right about the bundles. This requires an Enterprise licence. You’d need to:
- Add the new rules to a bundle
- Remove the old rules from each project and add the bundle
This is a manual process the first time, but if you ever need to change rules on multiple projects Bundles is the way to go.
(I’d go as far as to advise against adding rules to templates if you don’t use bundles, it just causes too much inflexibility)
This article might help if you are getting started with bundles: