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Are bundles available in project templates?
- I wish they were…
- What are bundles?
- They finally are!
- No way.
Bastien, Asana Expert
iDO (Asana Partner: Services & Licenses)
Learn to create super clean projects with just one click
Are bundles available in project templates?
Bastien, Asana Expert
iDO (Asana Partner: Services & Licenses)
@Bastien_Siebman is it possible to include tasks in the bundle? I have created a project template with several standard tasks that must be completed by all projects, but when I created a project template bundle all the tasks disappeared!
This would be a really useful feature and an omission by Asana.
Bundles don’t contain tasks, that is not what they were created for. Tasks go into project templates, which then can use a Bundle. Bundle are meant to help standardise projects in terms of sections, rules, fields…
Adding to @Bastien_Siebman’s comment, task templates can be included in bundles and with it centrally maintained. This is mainly useful for when the same task gets created in different projects on an ad-hoc basis.
If you’re looking for more info on how to use bundles well you might find value in this article:
I agree with Gillian here. I initially created a cross-functional project template of 14 sections and approx 500 tasks across them. This has since been used to create 18 live projects from the template. However, various stakeholders have since seen the need to add new tasks, and adjust various aspects/fields of others. But since the project template is a moment in time, they currently need to manually go into all 18 live projects as well as the project template to make those updates. To promote buy in and the idea that Asana is a tool that will help them, this bucks against that premise. My account exec wasn’t familiar enough with Bundles to either explain how I could go about updating my template to include a Bundle nor handhold me through it on a call. Essentially said it would be easier (for who?) to simply use the search bar to find all 18 iterations of the same task to update them manually. As a result, I attempted to add a Bundle to the template. It asked me to type in the Section names and Fields and then duplicated the sections/fields into the template. There was no way to choose the actual Sections within the template, it was as if all that content didn’t exist. Mind boggling. Of course, all those 500 tasks within the Sections were still under the original Sections. I’ve since moved them all up under the newly created Sections within the Bundle and that’s as far as I’d like to go down this rabbit hole without support from Asana. HELP
But is there a way to create a batch task template to convert several Section’s worth of hundreds of tasks to then have those batches of tasks as part of the Bundle? All I see when I click on “task template” within the create bundle field is a blank task detail field wanting me to input details for a SINGLE task. There should be a way to retroactively allow content to leverage these new features like Bundles without asking clients to manually input details for hundreds of tasks.
For “several sections worth of hundreds of tasks”, why not use a project template?
That’s the foundation; a project template. But my account executive seemed to think Bundles could solve the issue of stakeholders having to manually adjust active projects plus the template each time a task detail requires updating, or net new tasks added to their section.
But the past two days of discovery around this seems to lead to:
The second point is what we need an automated solve for and is the part of projects that have the most variability and are managed by teams of people vs a single admin who is typically more competent than the team and handles the project template framework, creating each new project et al
Yes, changing the blueprint won’t change what has been built. This is the current design.
I don’t think it’s a bad design, as you’d not want to update completed work as that would confuse how it has been done.
And task templates.
A way to shorten the feedback loop would be to split the template into separate phases. Let’s say start, middle, and end.
The time to setup would increase as you’d have to make a new project for every project phase, but all changes made to any of phase templates are applied to all projects preparing to start this phase and using the template.
If you still feel this functionality needs improving I would suggest finding an existing feedback thread to add your vote and voice, or creating a new one if it doesn’t exist. See: 📚 How to share your product feedback
Ok, appreciate your response, Jan-Rienk!
@Jay_DeThomas1 thanks for ‘getting it’ and agreeing with my question. I have over 130+ projects and to make a manual change to all projects isn’t the best use of anyones time! I think asana is missing a trick here as there will be lots of interest in this functionality.
Too often I told Gillian to make a good coffee and click for an hour Asana is a bit frustrating sometimes where there are things that need to be done at scale!
I’m overflowing with coffee