Moving task templates from a project template to a bundle

Hello all,

we have tons of task templates in our project template, but we would like to create a bundle instead to be more flexible. Do we need to create all the task templates in the bundle from scratch or is there a way to transfer the existing task templates from project template to a bundle?

Thanks a lot for help!

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I found this information:

Can I move rules, custom fields, sections, etc. from an existing project into a bundle?

Yes, you can save a copy of all the customize menu features (rules, fields, task templates, etc.) within a project into a bundle that can then be applied across other projects.

It is copy paste from here:

But I can’t find the information how can I do that.

Hi @Miriam_Guttmanova , it’s perhaps a bit ‘buried’ in the newly redesigned Customize menu but this option will create a new bundle based on the fields, rules, sections and task templates of the project. You cannot add them into existing Bundles, unfortunately, currently.


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