I’m not sure if Asana has this capability or not. I manage production of a very busy manufacturing plant, and we’ve been using Asana for about 4 years now and about to start using even more of it’s features.
One feature I’m hoping it has is some way of giving me a warning when I start moving task due-dates around and overcommit a certain department (and I know Asana doesn’t have a “department” feature so that’s part of my question on how to do this).
Here’s the background for how we have Asana set up. I CANNNOT change these, I have to be able to work within this system.
Every Job we do (every order) = 1 Asana task. Everything that must happen to fulfill that 1 Job is a subtask of that job. A simple but accurate way to show it would be:
- Main Task= “Smith Job”
- Subtask, “Cut Materials”, 8 labor hours, due July 5.
- Subtask, “Paint Materials,”, 25 labor hours, Due July 9.
- Subtask, “Assemble Product”, 10 labor hours, due July 12
- Subtask, “Install Product”, 20 labor hours, due August 1
Those 4 subtasks “cut, paint, assemble, install” all basically are their own department here in the shop, and each on of them has it’s own limit on how many labor hours I can schedule on any given day.
So how can I use Asana to give me a warning to indicate that I’ve overcommitted “Assembly” when I start assigning due dates?
Currently I not have any function of Asana set up for these. I COULD set up Assembly as a Team. Or a custom field. Or a Tag.
I also don’t have any function in Asana for labor hours. I have software that calculates labor hours for any given job, so I know that information WEEKS before the job is produced, and I can schedule it. But I need some way of having each of those subtasks (departments) to have a place for Labor Hours to live, and a way of getting a warning when I overcommit a department (or even better, have a ticker showing me “Labor hours remaining unallocatted”.
Any suggestions?