Ability to add sub-sections

Hi there,
Having the ability to create sub-sections would really benefit project organization for my team. Right now, we hack it by either using spaces/typography to indicate an associated section or by sectioning off by task. Employing it at the project level would be very useful for the 50 foot view.


Some people suggest creating an empty project called for example “------SECTION-----”. But I agree this is a workaround.

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I’m having the EXACT same issue! This would help me loads. I’d also like it if we were able to add sub-sections to sub-sections as we see fit. This is a MUST-HAVE for me. I’ve been doing the same as you, but it doesn’t suffice.


I could’ve sworn no one was worried about this. I’ve posted about this before.


Also asking for this. Seems that it’s already baked into the code, just needs to be given access to the user.

I don’t have any information from Asana, but as an old Asana user + developer using the API, I would really not count on this to happen anytime soon. Why do you say @Sean_Stewart that it is into the code?

I actually just realized something today. If you have a custom field in a project + sections, when sorting by this custom fields, you get a “double section” organization: first the custom field then the sections. Maybe that could be tweaked into what you need :thinking:

Would love a way to do Subsections under sections. Some of my projects are templates for a range of projects so being able to delete sections with subsections that have tasks would be a boon .


Could you elaborate on this or show a quick example @Bastien_Siebman?

If you setup like this

and then order by custom field, that gives you 2 levels


I’m loving Asana.
Please give us Sub-Sections. I use Asana as our Company Record and Sub-Sections would make it all more record friendly.


Welcome to the Forum @Joseph_Powell! :wave:t5: I’m glad to hear you are loving Asana :heart:

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us! I was able to find an existing thread regarding this topic so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with it to consolidate feedback! I hope it’s OK.
Please don’t forget to upvote it by clicking on the Vote button at the top of the thread!

Have a great week Joseph!

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That works only if that is your only sorting dimension. We really need this as a native feature


Hello Guys!
Are you planning to add sub-sections?
They could be super helpful when you need to organize your section with more than one category.
For example, I’m a designer and I work on different kinds of briefs, a structure like this could help:

  1. Section Youtube Brief
    a. SubSection Translations
    >Task 1
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    >Task 2
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3

    b. SubSection Original Brief
    >Task 1
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    >Task 2
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    c. SubSection Old brief
    >Task 1
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    >Task 2
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3

  2. Section Social Brief
    a. SubSection Translations
    >Task 1
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    >Task 2
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3

    b. SubSection Original Brief
    >Task 1
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    >Task 2
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    c. SubSection Old brief
    >Task 1
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    >Task 2
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3

  3. Section Print Brief
    a. SubSection Translations
    >Task 1
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    >Task 2
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3

    b. SubSection Original Brief
    >Task 1
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    >Task 2
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    c. SubSection Old brief
    >Task 1
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3
    > Task 2
    - subtask 1
    - subtask 2
    - subtask 3

I read something similar in this thread:
Ability to add sub-sections

Unfortunately, this suggestion cannot help our workflow. We work a lot with subtasks so if I try to sort the items (adding a personalized field, for example, a drop-down menu 1.old brief 2 translations 3.new briefs) Asana creates 3 sub-sections for each Section but, at the same time, the black arrow (the one that shows the lists of sub-brief) disappears and this is tremendously uncomfortable.

Thank you very much


HI @Marco_Martina and thanks for reaching out!

I don’t believe this is on our near-term plans, but I’m going to make a task to our product team to make sure they keep it in mind for future Section update! In the meantime, I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with Ability to add sub-sections - #13 by Kenny_Lemon to keep all feedback on this topic in the same place. I’ll make sure to keep you posted as soon as I have some updates on my end!


How did you do this? When I sort by the field, it doesn’t give those Section A, Section B, Section C headers - thanks!

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I realized a couple of days ago that this behavior is now gone! Sorting by custom fields does not create a section anymore. @Marie can you confirm please?

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@Darin_Bellisario, @Bastien_Siebman,

Maybe you have “Sort within Section” (at the bottom of the Sort menu) turned on? That gives you only one level–the group sort. Turn that off and you get two levels: 1) group, 2) section.

I just touted this a couple days ago to a major client org so I certainly hope this isn’t changing!



You are right Larry it was the sort!


Please add this to your near-term plans! We are trialing Asana at the moment and a lot of our projects/tasks are complex and we really need sub-sections to make Asana work for us.