Yes! I’ve been trying to find a similar solution for my business. I really don’t want my clients to be able to have access to any tasks. In addition they shouldn’t be able to add new tasks or projects, or really any access to any settings other than their own profile.
I’m imagining for each new client I set up a team under 1 organisation (which would be my business name) - or alternatively set up each new client as a separate workspace (to keep the left hand project navigation panel clutter free).
From there, I would like to set up a min of 2 projects for each client - 1 would be used purely to show a high level timeline overview which the clients could view only of what projects we’re working on and the duration of each.
The 2nd project would house any ongoing operations packages (social media management, website maintenance etc) my clients have purchased - client can’t see that when they log in.
Then other projects could be added as needed for one off projects (website build, product launch etc.) - not visible to clients.
ALL team discussions would take place in the projects/ task level (but not the timeline project).
ALL client communications would happen in the team discussion area of the high level team. That way a new discussion could be set up for each project/phase of the build etc. and the client only has to worry about looking at and responding to questions in the discussion area. They don’t have to get weighed down with all the granular task detail and communication going on with my team. Clients would only be notified by email about any new discussion topics/comments.
Maybe just a simple ‘hide from clients’ tick box on projects/tasks and then the ability to turn off a few platform permissions (adding tasks/projects etc. - so a little like the current workplace settings if you add someone with a different domain name email - but with additional limitations).
I’ve been using Asana for about a year for a different type of business setup - more day to day running of an offline business (so appointments to schedule, invoicing tasks, workshop tasks etc.). It’s been great and I love the look and features, and sooooo many other things about Asana which are super helpful for project management for a team.
…But I have absolutely struggled to get my client using it. I think it’s too complex/time consuming for them. I’m also about to start projects for them related to ther online business and am going to be setting this up in Active Collab because it does offer this ‘hide from clients’ option, and other platform limitations. I’d love to stay in Asana for them and my other future online business clients, but I can’t see how it can just be a simple, straightforward platform for my client’s at this point.
Please, please, please make this happen! 
Happy to discuss this further in a Zoom/Skype if helpful…