Is there a list of all standard fields?

Hi @James_Falco and @Phil_Seeman, and thanks for your patience!

Please find below the list of pre-configured Asana custom fields. I’ve also put a request through for this info to be added to our Guide so it can easily be found in the future!

:rotating_light: One important note: these fields will be added to your Organisation only when you create a project using an Asana template that contains that field.

Name Type Option
Content channel enum Website, Blog, Email, Print, Press release
Content stage enum Not drafted, In draft, In review, Ready to publish, Published!
Content type enum Product news, Company update, Thought leadership, Customer story, Sponsored post
Contract Status enum Pending, Active, Renewal soon, Completed, Cancelled, Other
Cost number
Creation stage enum Not started, Outlining, In progress, Reviewing, Complete
Creative channel enum Internal, Print, Ad, Site, Email, Video, Social
Creative needed enum Design, Copy, Copy & design
Creative needs? enum Yes, No
Data Sensitivity enum None, Low, Medium, High, Critical
Department text
Discussion Category enum Standing Agenda, Team/People, Budget, Data, How do we use this?
Estimated value number
Expected Cost number
External Steps Needed enum Yes, No
Favorite Idea enum Favorite
Feedback type enum Question, Comment, Feature request, Bug
Funding Amount number
Grant Application Process enum Not Started, Under Review, Approved and In Progress, Awarded & Active, Expired, Deferred
Idea Status enum Needs Research, Added to roadmap, Backlog, Vetoed, Completed
Interview Area enum Problem solver, Team player, Leadership ability, Skillset
Interview Question Score number
Launch status enum Planning, A/B test, In beta, 100% launch
Lead status enum Contacted, Qualification, Meeting, Proposal, Closed
Meeting Minutes number
Meeting Needed enum Yes, No
Minutes number
MRR number
Name of Foundation text
Need to Follow up? enum Yes, No
Number of user reports number
Office Location text
Onboarding activity enum Assess, Setup, Change management, Communications, Training, Execution, Milestone
Participants Needed enum Yes, No
Planning category enum Budgeting, Catering, Venue, Guest management, Other
Point of Contact text
Position text
Post Format enum Live Video, Produced Video, Photo, Carousel, Webinar, Article , GIF
Priority enum High, Medium, Low
Product stage enum Spec needed, Design ready, Eng ready, QA ready, Marketing ready
Progress enum Achieved, On track, Deferred, Failed
Project size enum Small, Medium, Large, XLarge
Project Status enum Request Received, Action Required, In Progress, Completed, Backlog
Proposed Budget text
Referral enum Yes, No
Request Type enum Acoustic, Cleaning, Desk Setup, Electrical/Lighting, Installation/Construction, Keycards, Move, General Maintenance, Purchasing, Repairs, Temperature Requests
Research Status enum Trend, Watch, Won’t Fix, Fix
Responsible Team enum Sales, Customer Success
Risk Assessment Status enum Waiting to Review , In Review, Provisionally Approved, Approved, Not Approved
Room name text
Sales Counterpart enum Rohan Shenoy, Kat Mooney, Blake Vargas, Christy Taragon, Neel Shin, Ajeet Cyrus
Sentiment enum Positive, Neutral, Negative
Social Channels enum Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn
Stage enum Onboarding, Expansion, Healthy, At risk
Status enum Complete, Blocked, In Progress
System Setup enum Microphone only, Microphone + Laptop, Microphone + Laptop + Screen, Laptop only, Other (please add details in task)
Task Progress enum Not Started, In Progress, Waiting, Deferred, Done
Team text
Team Responsible enum Solutions Engineering, Legal, Account Management, Sales Enablement, Finance
Time it Takes to Complete Tasks enum One-five minutes, Ten minutes , Thirty minutes , One hour, Over one hour
User Name text
Vendor Category enum SaaS software, On premise, Rentals, Hardware, Consultant, Vendor, Agency, Other
Vendor Type enum Software - Locally Installed, Software - SaaS, Vendor - Agency, Service - Other