Introducing conditions and branching in rules

:star2: Introducing the new rule builder in Templates, Bundles, and Workflows! :star2:

Hello Asana rules enthusiasts! :wave:

:link: Here is where you can now find the new conditions and branching for rules.

  1. :memo:… in project templates:

Open your template and click on “Edit”. Click on the “Customize” menu to the right of your screen, scroll dow to “Rules” and click on “Add new rule”. (10) (1)

  1. :package: … in Bundles:

Open your Bundle, Edit it, Add a Rule (6) (1)

3. :arrows_counterclockwise: … in the workflow view :

[This update works differently than the two first ones]

Open the workflow. On top of a section, Click on “Add trigger”.
The “normal” rules builder applies, but you can now click on “Add more triggers”. (9) (1)

:moneybag: Pricing tier:
New rule builder in templates and workflows: Starter, Advanced, Enterprise, Enterprise**
New rule builder in bundles: Enterprise
*limitations apply

:game_die: Launch type: Gradual roll out: 10% → 50% → 100% - Complete as of Dec 1st

:star2: Early Access Available

Stay tuned for more updates and don’t hesitate to share your feedback.
The Asana Product Team is eager to hear from you! :rocket: