Have fun learning Asana with this quiz! Version 2023

Table of contents:

Hi all,
It’s time for the quiz again :slight_smile:

This post is an excerpt from the quizzes used in 2023 events in Japan and new questions.

We just finished Japanese and English Advent Calendars 2023. Many questions are based on those articles/posts. If you are interested in the content of the Japanese advent calendar, AI translation can help you!

There are twenty (20) questions in total. I’m excited to see how many questions you can answer correctly!
Please select an option then click “:arrow_forward:︎See the answer” to see the answer and some additional information.

【Company & community questions】

Question 1

Which is Asana’s headquarter in San Francisco?

Screenshots taken from Google Maps street view. ©️2023 Google

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
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The correct answer is 4.

Asana’s HQ uses the whole building from the floor 1 to 12.

Other options are:

  1. Tokyo
  2. Syndey
  3. New York

Question 2

Which symbol is used to add headings in forum posts?

  • 1 - #
  • 2 - >
  • 3 - *
  • 4 - ~
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The correct answer is 1 - #.

The forum supports Markdown syntax, which is a simplified way to write HTML.
# renders as HTML’s H1 tag, ## as H2 tag, etc.
> is used for quotation, * is for italic/bold and bullet lists,・and ~ is for strikethrough.

The toolbar in the editor has some options like bold, italic, links, quotation, code blocks, bullet lists, and numbered lists, but still it’s helpful to learn Markdown.

The forum also supports BB Code syntax, which offers voting, collapsed details, and blurring.

Question 3

What does Asana’s CPO Alex Hood expect Asana users to do when submitting product feedback?

  • 1 - Write detailed context information
  • 2 - Refine the text with AI
  • 3 - Link to existing feedback posts
  • 4 - Clarify device and browser versions
  • 5 - Upload screenshots
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The correct answer is 1 - Write detailed context information, based on the article.

beyond submitting a feature request, which is a potential solution,
help us help you by including details on who you are, what problem you’re trying to solve or workflow you’re hoping to achieve, and how you’re currently doing this work.

I’d still encourage you to take other actions.

English advent calendar day 24
How Asana co-creates our product with customers

【Feature questions】

Question 4

Which user settings apply to all workspaces?

  • 1 - Profile name
  • 2 - Profile picture
  • 3 - Out of office
  • 4 - My Tasks’ default view
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The correct answer is 3 - Out of office.

Other than that, changes in the light/dark modes, language, hacks apply to all workspaces.
“Do not disturb” (DND) needs to be turned on for each of our workspaces, but the OOO settings is a quick way to apply the settings to all workspaces.

Question 5

Which can be starred onto the sidebar?

  • 1 - Goals
  • 2 - Forms
  • 3 - Search results
  • 4 - All of the above
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The correct answer is 4 - All of the above.

Anything with the star icon can be saved to the sidebar.

English advent calendar day 18
Streamlining project management with Asana's starred items

Question 6

How can we scroll horizontally?

  • 1 - Pressing Shift key + turning the scroll wheel
  • 2 - Pressing the scroll wheel + moving the mouse to left/right
  • 3 - Pressing PageUp/PageDown key
  • 4 - Pressing Home/End key
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The correct answer is 1 - Pressing Shift key + turning the scroll wheel.

We can navigate the board and timeline views with this method.

This can work as a workaround for the recently issue with the desktop app where the scroll bars are not displayed in full screen mode.

Other methods could be:

  • Using the trackpad
  • Tilting the scroll wheel on some feature-rich mice (mouses).

(Reused from a Japan community event in 2023)

Question 7

Who receives the notification of task due date changes?

  • 1 - Assignee
  • 2 - Collaborators
  • 3 - Assigner
  • 4 - All of the above
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The correct answer is 1 - Assignee.

If you want to notify non-assignee collaborators, you’d need to comment “I changed the due date.”

There was an A/B test this summer to notify also the task assigner, but the behavior was reverted to original later.

Question 8

When merging duplicate tasks, which is copied/added to the main task?

  • 1 - Collaborators
  • 2 - Likes
  • 3 - Subtasks
  • 4 - All of the above
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The correct answer is 4 - All of the above.

I often merge tasks when managing tickets and events.
For events, I first create a placeholder task with the due date set. When I receive the details in email, I forwarded it to be an Asana task and close the placeholder task.

We can save one step by commenting “@user, I’m merging this with an existing task” before merging, because the mentioned collaborator is also added to the main task.
Attachments are not copied over to the main task.

(Reused from a Japan community event in 2023)

Question 9

Which option is displayed when selecting the text in the task description like this?


  • 1 - Use AI features
  • 2 - Search Asana for the text
  • 3 - Change indentation
  • 4 - Convert to subtask
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The correct answer is 4 - Convert to subtask.

This feature is super useful to task out action items during meetings.
By the way, the indentation options are displayed for bullet lists and numbered lists.


Japanese advent calendar day 1
ようやくわかった! 定例会議をAsanaで運営する方法
ようやくわかった!定例会議をAsanaで運営する方法|萩原 雅裕|Prodotto 代表

Question 10

True or false?
To convert these two lines into a bullet list, drag to select the lines, and select “+” (insert) > “Bulleted list”.


  • 1 - True
  • 2 - False
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The correct answer is 2 - False.

The insert option adds a bullet list below the selected text.
To apply bulleted list format to the selected text as intended, select “Bulleted list” in the formatting toolbar or use the shortcut `Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + 8.


Question 11

True or false?
Milestones can have a start date and a due date.

  • 1 - True
  • 2 - False
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The correct answer is 2 - False.

Milestones are moments we go through and they only have due dates.
They are displayed as green vertical lines in the timeline view.

Question 12

True or false?
We can duplicate project views for editing.

  • 1 - True
  • 2 - False
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The correct answer is 1 - True.
It’s useful to fine-tune views with filtering and sorting.

English advent calendar day 4
🥇 The #1 Game-changing Asana Feature of the Year: Saved view tabs

Question 13

True or false?
Admin Console displays all members and teams in the organization/workspace.

  • 1 - True
  • 2 - False
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The correct answer is 2 - False.

Even super admins can see teams and members outside of their paid groups (divisions or teams).
There are relevant product feedback topics, please upvote them if you feel the same.

Japanese advent calendar day 3

【Advent calendar questions】

Question 14

What was one of the reasons Mamoru at KAG chose to adopt Asana?

*Typo: matuered→matured

  • 1 - Asana is great for managing development tasks
  • 2 - Asana has been named the best workplaces
  • 3 - Asana firmly backs the community
  • 4 - Asana is a matuered tool
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The correct answer is 3 - Asana firmly backs the community.

Other reasons were that Asana is great for managing organizational tasks (vs software development), Asana is super simple, and Asana has a great potential for growth.

Japanese advent calendar day 16
なぜKAG社は会社立ち上げの課題管理にAsanaを選んだのか? - 電磁波に撃たれて眠りたい!

Question 15

What did Kenji (PMO) did to foster smooth adoption of Asana?

  • 1 - Stop using email in the company
  • 2 - Force browsers to automatically open Asana
  • 3 - Let employees structure the projects as they like
  • 4 - Adopt management methodology the managers are used to
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The correct answer is 2 - Force browsers to automatically open Asana.

The article shares many other excellent ideas, such as using project templates, challenging the existing management methodology.

Japanese advent calendar day 18

Question 16

From what was @m.fukada set free by using Asana?

  • 1 - Communication with the colleagues
  • 2 - Creation of reports
  • 3 - Multitasking
  • 4 - Setting priorities and deadlines
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The correct answer is 3 - Multitasking.

He gained time for communication with colleagues and he’s willing to create reports and set priorities and deadlines going forward.

Japanese advent calendar day 2

Question 17

How did Arisa feel after attending some Asana webinars?

  • 1 - Asana is great for task management
  • 2 - Asana becomes easy to use by shifting up tasks/subtasks by one layer
  • 3 - Asana projects work well with the cadence of one month
  • 4 - Asana data can be shared easy with people without Asana licenses
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The correct answer is 2 - Asana became easy to use by shifting up tasks/subtasks by one layer.

We tend to use tasks and subtasks when we start using Asana, but it becomes easier by shifting up the layer to projects and tasks.
The article also mentions that Asana is great for non-task-management things like whiteboards and meeting notes.

Japanese advent calendar day 10

Question 18

In the Asanathon 2023 panel discussion, what were Bastien’s comments regarding his outlook toward Asana’s integrations?

Twitter 1_7zTbVP9

  • 1 - He’s very interested in Asana’s roadmap
  • 2 - He wants people to use My Tasks and Inbox
  • 3 - Community members have developed various tools
  • 4 - Integrations are great for version management
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The correct answer is 2 - He wants people to use My Tasks and Inbox.

That was an impressive moment from around 22:44, which prompted me to create English and Japanese subtitles for the video.

I don’t care about the roadmap and I wish people wouldn’t care about the roadmap,
but instead would look at what’s existing within the tool.
I want people to use My Tasks. I want people to use Inbox.

Japanese advent calendar day 8

Recording with EN/JA subtitles:

Question 19

What did LoMo (Asana Community team) do in the English Advent Calendar?

  • 1 - She gave quiz
  • 2 - She gave riddles
  • 3 - She sang
  • 4 - She drew a comic
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The correct answer is 3 - She sang :notes:

English advent calendar day 21
What community means to me!

Quiz was at English advent calendar day 8
🚀 Asana Brain Challenge

Riddles were at English advent calendar day 15
The 12 Christmas riddles

Comic was at English advent calendar day 17
Asana Bug-Busting Brigade. A tale of collaboration and heartitude

Question 20

What was the total number of characters of 2023 Japanese advent calendar posts?

  • 1 - 50k characters (equivalent to 20k English words)
  • 2 - 100k characters (40k EN words)
  • 3 - 150k characters (60k EN words)
  • 4 - 200k characters (80k EN words)
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The correct answer is 2 - 100k characters.

Community members produced approximately 100,000 characters of contents, equivalent in volume to a paperback or pocketbook in December :tada:

Unfortunately, I couldn’t run that analysis for the English calendar, because there were many great videos :movie_camera:


Thank you for your time and patience today!
How many questions did you answer correctly?

It’d be great if you can share your impressions and thoughts in replies or on the social media. Please be careful not to disclose answers before others challenge the quizzes!

Had fun, interested, want to learn more about Asana? We welcome you to the Asana community.

See you next year then :wave:

Japanese version: 楽しく学べるAsanaクイズに挑戦!2023年版
As in the question 19, the English advent calendar has another quiz. Try it out and enjoy :slight_smile:

Past versions:
Have fun learning Asana with this quiz! Version 2021
Have fun learning Asana with this quiz! Version 2022


Just incredible, as always, @ShunS – thank you!


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Thanks for preparing another great quiz @ShunS!

Quite some tricky questions :wink:

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