Hi everyone, is there a way to duplicate a custom field? I have a single-select custom field with a lot of options and I see that if I want another custom field like that, I would need to copy-paste each option one by one. Is there an easier way to do it? Thanks!
Hi @anne.i , you can list all your fields in Word or Notepad and then copy/paste them into a new custom field as options.
But my question would be, instead of duplicating the field, why not add this custom field to your custom field library so you can use the same options over and over in numerous projects? And if you update an option, it will update in every project it is used in.
This is best practice and easier to scale and manage
Hi @Richard_Sather , thanks for your suggestion. To clarify, I’d like to use the duplicate custom field in the same task. For example, I’d like to duplicate a “Requestor” custom field with names as options and rename it as “Approver” field with the same names as the options.
Ah ok, that makes sense!
Have you tried the People field? This field type works well if all the names you need also belong to your organisation.
Hi Richard, thanks, that’s a great one, but no, not all belong to the organization.
I full agree with @Richard_Sather that the custom field library should (almost) always be the solution.
But for very rare use-cases where duplicating a Custom Field is needed, I think I’ve found a workaround.
There is one case where this seems to be possible to duplicate a field: when this field is locked by one user, then, another user gets a button to copy the field and its options!
Hope that helps
This saved me an hour of work. Thank you, sir!
I’ve searched for a way to duplicate a column MANY times and this is the only solution…which is CRAZY to me–such a simple function. THANK YOU!
Could Asana please incorporate the “Locked by a user” option into the normal options for a field. This is REALLY needed!
The need is for when similar fields need to be created with the same options. For example, I need 52 fields, one for each week of the year. Each needs the same dropdown of options. I want to simple “copy field” and have all the options, only have to put a new title, not have to re-create the same options 52 times!–even if they all end up as standard fields, the process of making them is way too tedious.
And an update: at the request of users, I am putting weekly date ranges as titles instead of “Week 22” etc. So I have new weekly custom fields to create all the time.
I have a project template, with a form and relevant fields.
I need to change a field type from single to multi select.
This is the ONLY object that you cannot change.
It is very frustrating.
I have to build a new list from scratch.
There should be an option to copy an existing list and be able to edit ALL the elements.
Hi @Karen_Stewart1 , this is indeed frustrating. You may want to add your voice and vote on this post: