Custom Fields in My Tasks

I think you misunderstood my comment.
All I am saying is that I completely understand the need of custom fields in my tasks and how many people are requesting it.
If it would have been super quick to implement Asana would probably have already launched this. I am sure there are a lot of technicalities to be considered.

I slightly disagree with this as I have seen many old popular feedback request already being attended to and features have been launched, however I am completely aware that there are many more still.

I am sure there will be an update for this request soon :slight_smile:


I envy your optimism! Mine has waned with every month that this topic continues, since it is now 5 years ongoing. I hope we all hold Asana to a higher standard, as it can be the best product on the market if we do!


@Martha_Hopkins, @Charles_Wanless, and everyone involved on this train: we appreciate your feedback, your candor, and your patience.

I’m excited to share that your train :steam_locomotive: is scheduled for arrival in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on this thread, we will share some updates soon!

What @Andrea_Mayer and @Bastien_Siebman didn’t tell you (because they are not allowed yet :slight_smile: ) is that as part of the Ambassador program they got to preview this feature yesterday :eyes:


Thanks @Marie! I’d love to test sorting by priority in My Tasks too if possible. :slight_smile:

do you mean that custom field will now be available in “my tasks”?

@Jan_Go yes exactly.

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Wow! Thank you for your hard work Asana team. @Bastien_Siebman

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@Bastien_Siebman I don’t work for Asana but I do work hard :slight_smile:

@Marie, any idea as to the timeframe when this will be available to the rest of us?

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How anyone would think custom fields are necessary in Projects and unnecessary in the users main page is unbelievable. The time taken to not sort this also defies belief. Issue identified June 2017. July 2022 and still not available. Anyone impressed? Thought not…



Oh! Thank you for your help anyway.

Hello! When is the estimated timeline for this feature to be implemented? 1-2 months from now? or more?

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@Marie Also just to clarify that the Custom Field that will be launched soon is different from People Custom Field as said by Ben Watkins in this link:

@Jan_Go for me, My Tasks will have custom fields IN GENERAL, whatever types are available.


Thanks @Bastien_Siebman . I was reading other articles here and came across People Custom Field, so just wanted to get clarity that this is not the same custom field we were discussing in this thread. So, yeah! Thanks for the clarification. Just waiting for the launch date of Custom Field.

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Correct @Jan_Go, People custom fields and Custom fields in My Tasks are two separate launches :slight_smile:

Any idea on this launch for custom field in tasks to let us prioritize?


That’s awesome news! I hope to actually see it soon - any updates now that two weeks have passed since this announcement?

Also, I don’t think this should be marked as a “Solution” to this thread - the feature does not exist yet, and no one confirmed when it would roll out. We should keep this thread wide open until that feature is actually implemented!

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Hi folks!

We are happy to say that Custom Fields in My Tasks will begin rolling out in September and we expect all users to have access to this feature by the end of November :tada:

I’ll keep you all in the loop and let you know if this timeline changes :slight_smile: