Our team is making use of the new List to Board switching feature for a lot of projects in our company (OKRs) and individual teams.
We want to edit how columns are generated in Board view, and have different columns than the Sections in the list view.
For example, in our team OKRs, we have a list View that uses Sections to organize OKRs by team. In the Board view, we would want to setup a common kanban workflow (todo, doing, done) to track the status of tasks.
In the current implementation, the tasks are just in columns labeled by Teams as they are in list view, and this is useless for us. It’s impossible to create a kanban workflow like this.
What we’d want is to be able to customize how the Board view is created. Ideally, we’d select a custom field to view the Board by. For example, have a Custom Field for “status” and generate Board Columns based off of that. Status could be “on hold”, “todo”, “doing”, done", etc.
This is a feature request to enable different views between List and Board, and to enable it to be easier for Boards to be turned into kanban workflows.