When searching “List” projects, you can select a specific project and section. However, when you search a specific “Board” project, you can’t specify a column.
I am using a board project to handle my Kanban workflow. I wanted to create a saved search for "all tasks in my Kanban project that are in the completed column.
Searching by board columns would be a nice improvement…
I logged in to the community just to ask for this exact feature. Nice to see I’m not alone!
I really need to be able to do a search for “All tasks in Project B which are in the Not Started column” so I can act on the results in a batch instead of one-at-a-time. For example, setting a due date or assignment to all the selected tasks from the search result would be so easy if I could treat columns on a board the same as sections on a list. (Which, I agree, should be completely analagous—the only real difference is visual.)
+1 On this. My specific use case is that I have one project which is a board, and each column are other projects. The columns are then the backlog for the individual project. It would be great to count the specific backlog / column.