When converting task to project, add newly created projected into selected portfolios

When converting a task to a project, the box that pops up allows me to select which team the project should be added to.

It would be great if there was also an option here to assign the new project to specific portfolio(s).


Right now, I have to convert to project, wait for several seconds for the project to be created, then open the project and manually add to portfolio(s). This is very tedious, particularly when multiple tasks need to be converted to projects.


Hi @Zachary_Goldman1

Welcome to the forum! This is a great idea and one that has been discussed previously on this forum. I added to posts where you can upvote as they represent what you are after.


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Thanks! Those are great suggestions–I upvoted both. The second one (automation) would indeed solve this.

I’m suggesting something that would likely be much quicker/easier to implement:
when clicking "Convert to Project’ on a task, add a single field --“Portfolios”–to the box that pops up. This way, people can (manually) assign this new project to Portfolios.

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I have the same problem with one portfolio where the converted task to project is not being added to my portfolio automatically. Its strange as it works for another portfolio. Am i missing something?

Note: Not a solution but marked as such to elevate a key reply

When converting a task to a project (in rules or manually from the Covert to project menu item), the project is not added to any portfolios specified in the task template.

If you simply create a project from that template, it will be added to the portfolio(s) specified in the template.

I guess I won’t classify this as a bug because there is a field to specify the portfolios to add to after you request the conversion, but this does force duplicating the info about the template’s portfolio into rules and keeping both in sync.

Here’s where you specify the portfolio in the rule action:




I wanted to inquire if there is a solution for this currently. When converting a task to a project from template using a rule, the project is not being added to portfolios specified in that template. Is this expected behavior?

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@Maria_Ivanova, Yes, I believe that is expected behavior so I just make sure to duplicate the name of the portfolio(s) in the rule itself (there’s a field available to specify that).



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I’m having the exact same issue - thought I was going crazy! haha

What is the best workaround? Creating a Task in the Template to remind the Team to add the Project to the Portfolio?

That’s what I recommended above.

I added @lpb comment as solution for visibility on this thread.


Thanks, @Rashad_Issa. I added the note that it’s a key reply, but not full solution.

And it’s still good to vote by clicking the title to scroll to the top and then clicking the purple vote button.


Hello, can you please share a visual on your recommendation?

@Matt_Shillady, I’ve updated my post to include a visual, also shown below:



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