Automation for adding projects to Portfolio

I believe there is a great opportunity to capture on Automation (Rules) within Portfolios. The suggestion would be to allow for Portfolios to be a bit more dynamic in their creation. By this I mean, the ability to add projects based on conditions such as, “all projects within x team” or “projects that x member is owner or collaborator of”

I am sure there are other unique ways to define criteria to set a portfolio. I would be interested to hear what ideas the Community has in this regard!


Thanks @LEGGO, I think this is a wonderful idea :clap:t3:


Hi there, @Marie do we have any update on the progress of this feature? Indeed a great idea and much needed to relieve some manual work!


I don’t have an update on this at the moment @Malwina_Gora, currently, Rules only work at the task level!

This is super important as an added extra feature.


oh yes, this would make portfolios much more usefull for our team


Is this automation that is going to happen?


This would be very helpful to our business. Rules to help automate some of the following scenarios

-When a new project is added to Team A, add to Portfolio X
-When a project is moved from Team A to Team B, remove project from Portfolio X
-When a project level custom field is changed to Option 2, remove project from Portfolio X


Bumping this request - it’s essential for our business as we use Asana for more of our processes. I believe one of Asana’s missions is to “do less work about work”, but without automations like this, we continue to be caught in that loop.


I’m just here to bump this since this would greatly simplify using Asana as a manager and drive the overall adoption of the product within larger companies!


Hey there! I’ve just found myself in need of this automation as well: To use a project template that when the new project is created will automatically add to a specific portfolio. I’d love to be kept in the loop on this new feature. Thank you!


Really hoping to get some progress on this topic. I’ve loved ASANA for so long, but CLICKUP is eating your lunch from a features perspective and some of the missing features are holding back our company’s productivity.


Bump on this, sorely needed.

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Agreed much needed! Very difficult to manage multiple teams with multiple tasks and multiple subtasks! Also would be great to see tasks within projects in the portfolio list view so they can be quickly checked off. I used to use one large project (vs a portfolio) per team with a LOT of nestled subtasks but they’re not as easy to view without clicking in.

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This would be incredibly useful for us too! We need the ability to assign a project to a portfolio upon creation of that project using a template. So, the following two functions are greatly needed:

  1. Portfolio selection function when creating new project - When creating a new project (from a template or blank) use “Add to portfolio/s” function when setting the metadata for that project, so placement occurs at the creation stage rather than the two step process of allocating it to a portfolio/s after creation.

  2. Automation function for templates - so that for example all ‘Comms Plan’ template projects are automatically added to the ‘Comms Plan’ portfolio.

Hopefully this happens very soon as it would significantly enhance our capacity (as we’re creating 60-90+ of these types of projects monthly-quarterly atm).

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Very necessary.

We are potentially kicking off 50+ projects a month across multiple Teams into templates and majority are auto-created from Salesforce>Asana integration, so we definitely have gap when trying to link to Portfolio(s) manually at later time. Being able to create rule (or multiple rules in many cases) inside a template to link a created project to a Portfolio would be ultra-efficient for us.

Related topic probably for another thread…Fields added to a List view of Portfolio are mostly manual entry and not pulling from the metadata or another area of a specific project. Again, way too much manual work involved to setup a comprehensive List view in a Portfolio, which we find to be best location for quick-view tracking in meetings or stand-ups.


I full concur about the need for creating rules to automatically add projects to portfolios

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I am shocked this wasn’t implemented yet…

As the COO of a company how on earth can I dynamically track all projects? Also as admin I should see all projects even if it’s not shared directly with me (private ones)…

But at least the dynamic bases on teams… Is a must.

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Please please please can this be a thing? It would make a huge difference to our team, our processes, and how we use Asana!


Definitely need this feature as well.

This is essential for cross-team collaboration. Without this, it doesn’t make sense to use Portfolios.

Instead we need to use the Project object as the Dashboard or Portfolio, tasks as projects, and subtasks as tasks.