Project permissions when converting from Task to Project and adding to Portfolio automatically.


I have a current automated process setup via rules.

  1. User submits request via Asana form > Enters as task into our Intake project.
  2. When we convert the task to a project it automatically moves it into our team portfolio. The project conversion is supposed to utilize a team template.

The issue is, once added to the portfolio, we still have to manually add our team to the project so that everyone can view it in the portfolio. I thought linking the template to the project conversion rule would fix this, but it does not. Please advise if there is an automated way to apply permissions to tasks converted to projects and automatically moved into our portfolio.


Hi @Sara_Romagnoli ,

Welcome to the forum!

It used to be that the settings of the project containing the task to be converted is leading for the privacy settings of the newly created project, but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore after the recent project sharing update.

Maybe the default project permissions settings apply? Is shared with team the default selection when you make a new project?


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I’ve now tested in my instance which has shared with team as a default, and this doesn’t apply.

Hey. thanks for checking this. It seems none of the template permissions apply in the project conversion, even though I can see the template exists in our team.

So far the only workaround I found just now was to add my team individually as collaborators to every task in our intake. So new rule is: when a task is created in the intake > Add team members (individually, can’t add the Asana team itself) as collaborators. Then this access carries over to the project conversion.

Not the ideal fix, but this will do for now! The easiest fix would be if portfolios had their own permission level allowing everyone with access to the portfolio to view projects in that portfolio by default. This can be done retroactively, but not for future projects that are added later on.


Thanks for looping me in here, @Jan-Rienk .

Hi @Sara_Romagnoli , glad you found a workaround for now. It appears that project templates have some catching up to do since you cannot add a team as a member.

But having carried out several tests, it appears that if the project which the task originates from is shared with the organization, then the project generated from the task is also shared with the team that the project is created in (i.e. where the template belongs to). :exploding_head:

On the other hand, if the project which the task originates from is set to Private to members (irrelevant if the team is a member or not), then the generated project does not include the team as a member.

This behaviour also appears to be irrelevant whether the target Team (where the template and the generated projects belong to) is set to either Public, Membership by request or Private.


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