We’re thrilled to announce our Community Forum has just reached 100k users Thank you to all customers and Asana Together members who have contributed to this major milestone!
When we launched the Asana Community Forum back in 2017, we envisioned it as a place for our customers to ask their questions, share their experiences and connect with each other. Five years later, we’re blown away to reach this milestone and very thankful for everyone who has contributed to making the forum a powerful source of knowledge and inspiration for all Asana customers.
A special round of applause for our Asana Ambassadors and Forum Leaders (@ambforumleader @pforumleader) for their continuous support and commitment; we would not be here without you!
Scroll down to read some words of gratitude from the Asana Team
“100k Asana users in the forum - what a milestone! Thank you to everyone who has asked questions, shared advice, and helped others get the most out of Asana. Our entire team is continually inspired by what you’re achieving with Asana by your side!” @Joshua_Zerkel
“Thank you to all customers who have participated in the forum and contributed to its success over the years. And a special thank you to our Forum Leaders who play a crucial role in the forum and make it such a wonderful place to work in!” @Marie
“Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making the Forum the powerful source of information and Community it has become! To everyone who has shared their tips and tricks, submitted a feature request or asked for help, shout out to you. Of course, our Forum Leaders deserve an honourable mention. Thank you for being the powerhouses you are!
” @Rebecca_McGrath
Wow, I’m in awe of this Forum and the incredible people who not only run it (Marie, Emily, and Becca) but the incredible people who sustain it (ALL OF YOU!) A massive congratulations to our 100k forum users on this accomplishment and a special shoutout to our Forum Leaders for the work they’ve put in to make the Community Forum one of best places on the internet to learn about Asana.” @Kimberlea
“Thanks to everyone who has contributed to making the Forum such an amazing resource. We appreciate you!” @Logan_Wallace
“I’m always inspired by our customers who seek to learn and help others within our amazing forum. Thank you for your drive to learn and contributions to this community!” @TimTieu
“Thank you so much to all of you who have contributed to make our Asana Forum the amazing well of product knowledge that it is today! I learn every day from all of you!
” @Francesca
“WOOOHOOO! Thank you to all of our awesome forum users for being the best community! We wouldn’t be where we are today without you all!” @anon38494804
“Major congratulations to all of you incredible Forum users! Thank you for being a part of this ever-growing community - we wouldn’t be here today without YOU!
” @LoMo
“Thank you to all our Forum contributors who make our community the vibrant, dynamic and incredibly essential resource that it is - we couldn’t do it without you!” @Jessica_Erhart
“The Forum has become a useful place for many people thanks to the contributions of everyone who has taken the time and effort to contribute. The wisdom of so many people has been gathered in the forum. We appreciate you!” @Akiko_Nagahashi
“What an incredible achievement
. Thank you everyone for making our Forum a special place. Your feedback helps us to make our product even better and your questions and insights help the community to become more successful as a whole! A huge shoutout to all our dedicated ambassadors and forum leaders!” @Jonas_F
“100K users! What a milestone for us! Thank you so much for participating in our community forum! Your feedback and questions are always precious and what Asana makes better. Again, thank you so much!!” @Kei_Mitsui
Thank you again for being part of the Asana Community Forum! If you are looking to unlock more categories and badges in the forum, become an Asana Ambassador today!