Show subtask rollups on parent tasks in all views

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:

The ‘Estimated Time’ field which aggregates all estimates for subtasks and outputs them on the parent displays correctly on single task view, and also in the list view of a project, but does not output at all on the board view.

(Furthermore, if a Time Estimate is added to the parent and then later removed, rather than outputting nothing, the board view incorrectly outputs 0h 00m)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a task in a project
  2. Add several subtasks to that task
  3. Enter values in Asana’s ‘Estimated Time’ field for each of these subtasks.
  4. Re-visit the parent task. The ‘Estimated Time’ field correctly aggregates the values found on all its subtasks.
  5. But now enter ‘Board View’ for the project. There is no value output on the parent task.

Browser version:

Chrome Version 118.0.5993.88

What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)?


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You need to toggle the right field, see image :slight_smile:
CleanShot 2023-10-27 at 11.37.35

This view is toggled on I’m afraid. You’ll see in my screenshot, I’ve added a task with no subtasks to demonstrate that the Estimated Time does output correctly - unless it’s a parent task.

Jon, I replicated your primary trouble report as #1 below (but not the “Furthermore” item, #3). Also found another issue:

…where in the board shows only the parent task’s own time, NOT parent plus subtask.

I found this related trouble report; at last notice, Asana acknowledged it as a bug but didn’t have a fix.

Hi everyone, thanks for reporting this. I’ve also been able to replicate this issue partially, but not the step #3. I’m following up with our Developers so they can have a look into this behavior on Board view. I see that there’s an ongoing conversation about the bug report mentioned by @anon91170507, so I’ve asked for clarification in both cases.

Did this resolve itself on your end, or did you find a work-around?

I’m having a similar issue. For both the sums of the subtasks’ estimated time and actual time, it is visible in the single parent task view, but not shown in the list or board views for the parent task.

Hi Brenna and everyone, sorry for the delay, I was waiting for some final feedback from the Developers. Unfortunately, they have confirmed that the rollup is purely visual and only in the List view, which means that the automatically calculated value that you will see in the parent task in List view will not be visible in any other view. This includes the task pane and the cards in board view.

We understand that this is not ideal, and they have taken note of this feedback for future improvements, but they cannot share any ETA as it’s not in the roadmap yet. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Thank you for your understanding.

PS: I’m moving this topic to our Product Feedback section so everyone can add their vote there.

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Hi Vanessa,

Thank you for your reply. I am having this issue in the list view as well. Do you know if there is a way to ensure I’m at least seeing the subtasks’ summed estimated and actual time in the list view?

Important note: To help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please ensure to fill out all the sections below. Do not share any private information such as email addresses or phone numbers - This is a public Forum!

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the bug you’re experiencing:
When looking at the My Tasks view, the Estimated Time is not rolling up from Subtasks in the view.
Steps to reproduce:
Estimated Time field:

Go to My Tasks, select a task created on another project board with subtasks and assign an Estimated Time to each subtask.

Browser version:
Asana Desktop App Windows 11

What version of Asana are you using (Personal, Starter, Advanced, Enterprise, Enterprise+, Premium, Business or legacy Enterprise)?

Upload screenshots below:

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Hi @Georgia_M, thanks for posting. This is in fact a current limitation, and we’ve already noted the feedback to our Product team. If you don’t mind, I’m merging your topic into the existing feedback thread so you can also add your vote there. We hope this can be added in a future update :slight_smile:

Here to simply vote that this is a huge issue right now for our company time tracking given we don’t want to add parent task time AND subtask time. We want the subtasks to become the parent task time and Asana is now blanking out time as we add this to our company boards to show allocated hours and tracking. If we add in our own hours, it adds it to the parent task doubling the hours. HUGE hiccup