Repeating task with repeating dependencies

Request: If a repeating parent task has a dependency on a repeating child task, when the parent task is created it should create dependencies on the new versions of the child task, as new versions should have been created already.

Use Case: I have a parent tasks that needs to get done by the team lead every week. I have a child task that needs to get done by every team member each week. The parent task is dependent on every child task.

In a normal, non-repeating workflow, the team lead will mark the parent task as dependent on each child task, and they can see when each member has completed their task and can complete the parent task after.

The problem is, when the task repeats, it marks the parent task as dependent on the completed child task, not on the new child task.

The only area this gets complicated is when a child task hasn’t been completed but the parent task has, in which case the new child task hasn’t yet been created. A simple resolution would be to create dependencies at parent task creation time for whatever version of the task is incomplete, which may not be ideal, but if you’re completing a task that has dependencies that aren’t complete, that’s not ideal either.


I have the same issue. Want to describe bunch o routine recurring task with its dependencies, but when they get completed, the new tasks apear with no dependencie. Aren’t you going to fix this?


I am also having this issue and would like to see it resolved for necessary results.

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Same issue - seems bizarre this has not been flagged and fixed already!

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Any updates on the progress of this? I’d LOVE to see recurring task dependancies!


Totally agree, even a basic recurring work flow would have a review process that is dependent on the actual work being completed first; not being able to have the requisite relationships recur as well is kind of a buzz kill; I was really looking forward to exploring Asana for some of my regular structured work I do for clients but that is a very big quality control failure.

I would also love to see this functionality, as I built out bi-weekly projects (e.g., payroll workflow) to repeat and was expecting to see the dependencies be retained once the parent task is completed

This is completely unsatisfactory. I would like to use asana as it has a lot of functions that I want, but I guess I will find something else if this is not resolved. The lack of follow up here by the team is also damning.

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same issue. I would love to see the functionality

Same issue. Very annoying.

I would love this feature!!!

PLEASE, make this happen dear Asana Team. Really needed for anyone with recurring, operational tasks

would be highly appreciated! Absolute necessity in our operational processes…

This feature would be so useful!

This would make our life so much easier!

I have the same issue. It would be so useful to our processes!

Would love to see this get fixed. So many uses once I can assign recurring dependencies!

I was going to purchase Premium Asana specifically to make recurring dependent tasks. Now that I see that is not possible, I think I’ll stick with the free version.


Come on Asana! Give the people what they want!!!


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