Yeah, my use case is I want. I’m hoping to use the start date as a trigger for rules. "When start date is past, CHECK IF progress field is “not started”, THEN set “status” field to “behind” AND comment “Start date for this task has past, please update.”
I already have another rule that’s "WHEN task is overdue 1 day after, THEN set “status” field to overdue AND comment “this task is overdue.”
Hi everyone, we just started to roll out the new start date is approaching trigger for rules in addition to the existing due date is approaching and date field changed trigger.
This enables powerful new rule-based workflows, for example: When a task is ready for work to begin, move it to a new section and assign it to me.
Please note, this rule doesn’t trigger when both Start date and Due date is approaching. If you need the rule to trigger for both cases, you would need to create two separate rules.
omg! omg! omg! It’s happening!
After the looooooooooooong wait, fhis feels like birthday and Christmas at the same time.
Thank you for (finally) rolling this out , dear Asana Crew!
I’ve created the following task, but it only partially worked. All the tasks that have a due date of today were moved correctly. All Tasks with a start day of today haven’t been moved at all.
Im basically having a rule with two triggers: „start date approaching: today“ and „due date approaching:today“ and an action „move to section: today“
While both triggers are combined with a logical „OR“.
From my understand of the new feature and rules, this rule should do exactly what is requested in the original post, but it doesn’t for tasks who’s start date is approaching.
I have a task set with a date range of 1 October - 7 October. I have a rule that moves this task to a specific section 1 week before it is due. However, I noticed that the rule identifies 7 October as the due date so the rule triggers 1 week before the end of the date range instead of 1 week before the start of the date range. I want it to trigger the rule 1 week before 1 October. Is this possible? Thanks.
Yes, as @Tetsuo_Kawakami indicated just above, you can use the “Start date is approaching” trigger. Note that you will have to change the default “Runs on tasks and subtasks” to “Runs on tasks.”
For a full set of instructions on adding this and other My Tasks rules, you may be interested in:
Premium is a legacy plan, and Smart Rules aren’t available there. One would need to switch to Starter plan to use them. However there is “a catch”: on Starter plan rules actions are limited to 500 per month, while on Premium there is no limit on rules actions.
Your post mentions “Smart Rules” but I don’t see which post your writing in reply to.
However, maybe you were referring not to Smart Rules but to “Start date is approaching” because you made me realize that two of my recently replies in this topic were mistaken and I wrote that that feature was available in Premium when it is not. I’ve corrected each of those posts and included a note about the fact that I made edits.