Offer (for Premium and above) a new rule "Start/Due date is approaching . . ." to trigger based on the earlier of Start date or Due date

I would like to comment here as well that this feature would be extremely useful for the organization that I am a part of. We would like to be able to trigger rules that modify the “start date” rather than the “due date”.

Can this please be added soon? We all used to have this functionality before it was removed as part of the rules. Things should be consistent to what we signed up for. We shouldn’t be in a situation where functionality is removed…

+1 too. To me (and as indicated by many other comments), this is sensible, not atypical, functionality to have.

I love this idea.
For people that are pro-active and wanted to get ahead on some work, it is a brilliant idea !


I would love to see this implemented sooner rather than later! We have a business account and it would be super helpful. As a project manager, I want to be notified when a project start date is coming up so then I can schedule a brainstorm session!


Anyone know if there’s any update on this or if it’s a change Asana is planning to make or not?

@Kate17, Asana usually only updates threads when they have new info to release. They also don’t generally give info about future plans. I hope they’ll consider this as it’s been steadily getting votes and comments and remains a hardship.



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Adding my voice to the call here. This is one of my top-needed features (it makes the top 5 list). The workarounds I currently have for this involves subtasks that are “due” at the beginning of the task window and that’s not a pleasant solution. Please make adding this feature a priority!


+1 to this

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Without this functionality, it is completely useless, and even dangerous, to have a task that stretches over more than one day. So many complicated workarounds for something that should be quite simple.

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I’ve been using Asana for years. I recently bought the Pro plan and use Start Dates all the time. However, despite using them, I keep scrambling to get some things done as tasks don’t appear at the top of the My Tasks section until their due date. This causes due dates to be missed.

This is a MAJOR problem.

I’ve noticed this same request has been active since at least 2017. Which is unbelievable.

Asana, please get this sorted ASAP.

I would greatly appreciate an interim solution or any tips or tricks that can help me sort my tasks by start date on either Android, web or the desktop app. (I use all three.)


Hi @DoraD,

First, please vote for this feature request here:

(@Forum-team, would you want to consolidate this thread with the above?)

For a workaround, see the following (disclaimer: I’m the creator) which lets you sort selected tasks by Start date but does involve an extra step to see them:


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Hi @lpb ,
Thanks for the work around. I’ll look into it and see if it helps.

Regarding voting for the topic that you linked to, I don’t think I’m going to vote for it because it’s not what I feel would be the most efficient way to go about this issue. If I understand you correctly, you suggest that a rule is introduced by which any task with an approaching start date would be added to a section.

With that rule in place, you would be able to see all the tasks with approaching start dates only when you sort all of your tasks by sections. If you were to to sort by due date, for example, I can’t see this being of much use. But please correct me if I’m wrong.

I would urge the @Forum-team to keep the two topics separate since they are not suggesting adding the same functionality.


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P. S. I just opened the other thread that you linked to with the work around.

I already use Asana2go but mainly for sorting my tasks based on the Eisenhower Matrix. @lpb thank you so much for creating this extension!

Unfortunately, I wouldn’t consider it a viable solution to this problem, especially for those that use the Asana mobile app extensively. This would require a daily generation of tasks, exporting, and not to mention the fact that it isn’t usable on mobile.

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@Forum-team, I’m really sorry, I agree with @DoraD about not merging her #product-feedback request with mine after closer scrutiny; could you undo? Sorry about that.

@DoraD, I feel both requests are voting for. I agree with you that they’re not the same. I think they both have merit (and 133 others already agree with me about this one!), but for different purposes. Sorry for gumming up the works and hope that they can be separated again.


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I completely agree! I should’ve been more precise with my wording. Your suggestion does indeed have merit, but in a different use case.


Hi @DoraD, @lpb I can certainly unmerge these requests! To do so, I’ll need you to confirm what you would like the #product-feedback title to be. Once you do this, I’ll move the thread :slight_smile:


Hey! I believe the original title of my thread was something along the lines of:

Introduce ability to sort by Start Date

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This is it.
The upgrade to “My Tasks v2” was not Pareto optimal, as it made this feature unavailable.

Voted. Just having one for the end date isn’t super helpful.

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