Natural language for task creation

I would love to see natural language implemented for task-creation. Asana makes it intuitive and easy to set these things up using their regular point-and-click interface, but being able to also type it into the task name directly would exponentially speed up the task-creation speed for power-users. For those who wouldn’t use this, those that are annoyed by the potential triggers when typing in a task name, there could simply be a toggle in the settings to turn this feature off.

Some examples include: Follow-up with designer’s feedback tomorrow @Website Build /Follow-up

“Tomorrow” assigns the due date for tomorrow, the @ places it in that project, and the slash indicates the section of that project. A fantastic example of the fluidity of this kind of natural language is Todoist. In the blink of an eye I can create a task that is set to repeat on the fifth day of each month, at medium priority, in a specific project and section, with a specific assignee. All within literally 3-4 seconds.


Until/if Asana provides this natively (and don’t forget to vote for your request!), from our own @Phil_Seeman already provides a number of these exact features via its rule trigger for “If the task name contains the word or phrase" and its hashtag automation features.

Hope that helps,


Hi @Joel_Lee,

As @lpb says, our Hashtag Automation comes close - it does require you to add a hashtag before text you want interpreted, but it does most of what you mentioned.

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Hi all,

I’m trying to create a rule in My Tasks, that will automatically put a recently added task into a section (Reading List) based on the text in the task saying ‘Reading List:’.

I’m usually sending an email to asana, with the ‘Reading List:’ in the subject title.

I don’t seem to be able to find a trigger that will allow this. Seems like it should be a basic function, but would appreciate any help.


This isn’t possible natively in Asana, but I’ve merged your request with another thread and you can vote at the top for this.

Also, see my reply there for a possible workaround:


Hi @Harris_Silver,

@lpb mentioned the HashTag Automation feature of our Flowsana integration (thanks!); for your use case, I actually think the best fit would be our Rules feature, as Flowsana has a rule trigger for “If the task name contains the word or phrase _________”.

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Would love this feature, especially if it was also usable on the mac OS quick add feature.

Would also love this feature. It’s the main reason I use Fantastical, which I like, but not so much for project management.

Hi there,

In the My Tasks section at least, I often use this as a to-do list.

If i create a task with a title called ‘product intro presentation due tomorrow’ or ‘due wednesday’, it should be smart enough to set the due date to tomorrow/ the next wednesday to arrive/etc. The title could then revert to “product intro presentation”.


Interesting, never thought of that. Maybe this is something they will work on in the future!

Hi @NateAus,

FYI this capability is available now in the Hashtag Automation feature of our Flowsana integration.


Hashtags aren’t just for Twitter, right? :wink:

I think this is the most clever part of Flowsana’s Hashtag feature:

Great stuff @Phil_Seeman :clap:

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I’ve merged your post into an existing thread where you can click the title to scroll to the top and vote by clicking the purple Vote button.



“Tomorrow 2pm # Make a mission” Will automatically set the due date for tomorrow and the time to 2 pm and remove that info from the topic (the topic in the provided example will be “Make a mission”. you can add a unique separator to ensure the user uses this feature and no important information is being deleted from the topic.

The need to add the fields and populate them for someone who’s working with the system all the time is exhausting.

Google uses the same thing when adding an event to its calendar.
And thanks for a great product,
And thank you also for the opportunity to say what is bothering me.


Welcome, @Tzahi_Serruya,

I’ve merged your post into an existing thread where you can click the title to scroll to the top and vote by clicking the purple Vote button.

Also, note that offers hashtag automation to accomplish this.

