Modular Templates

Different customers have different needs. So no project is exactly the same, but many are comparable.
At the moment I have different CSV files for standardised options to import in a project depending on the customers needs, but it would be great if you could just select template modules when creating a project. And when something is changed mid-project that you can add a template module.


Hi @Levi_NL :wave:t3:

I’m not sure what you mean by:

Could you elaborate a little bit?

As for this, I’d recommend upvoting this exiting request: Push project template updates to existing projects :slight_smile:

Let me clarify on the first:
When creating a new project it would be great to have an extra option in which you can select multiple templates/template modules depending on the different implementations a project needs.

At the moment I work with several CSV templates which I import manually for a new project . For instance: a client wants a WordPress website with an inventory management plugin and a webchat module. So I start a new project, fill in the details and then manually import the WordPress Template CSV, IM Template CSV and Webchat Template CSV.

It would be very helpful is there was a way that these templates could be managed from inside Asana (way easier to edit) and added into an existing or new project without importing external files.


I second this request, and I feel it’s underrated.

It would be really handy for example for onboarding templates so you can select which tasks/modules should be included based on someone’s role/responsibilities.

Or what services should be included when the basic project is the same, but has variable additions that can be standardised.

It would also solve Add multiple templates to one project?

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Yes, we have a need for templates like this related to onboarding, team orientation, and training. Not everyone has the same needs, but everyone has to go through some version of these processes. We currently have multiple template versions of each process and it’s a lot to manage, especially when we’re making a change that affects all versions of the templates. It would be such a need to select modules of a template to create a new project.

I have devised a workaround for this and described it here: Leveraging Project Templates - a Deep Dive # MODULAR TEMPLATE

It might be a bit convoluted and not for beginners, but it should work.

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I love this idea!!
Lets get this upvoted.

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Is this something that would solve my current conundrum:

We have an Conference Planning Template that we use to create a project for every event we plan. This template has every section it could need for every event, such as: event space, catering, housing, etc. We then take this template, use it to create a project for each event and delete the sections that do not apply to that event. I need something that allows us to choose which sections we want to use from this template!!

Yes it would be fantastic to have this! I just went to do it and couldn’t belive it wasn’t an option already.

Create new project. Check the boxes for each template this project needs.