Hi @Daniel_Rahal, welcome to the Asana Community Forum
Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback. This is a popular request in the Forum so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with an existing feedback thread to consolidate feedback
I’ll keep you posted on the main thread if I have any updates. I hope this is something our Product team can implement in the future
Our team regularly manages prep materials for our executive leadership. Often, for subtasks that are incomplete on a single day, we roll those over to the next days prep. Currently we have to individually select each subtask and “Make Subtask Of” the next day’s parent task.
Would be great if the option to “make subtask of” was available for multi-selected items.
Wow, How have I not commented on this before? This is exceptionally frustrating, especially since the interface fails silently when you select multiple tasks or subtasks and select Advanced actions> make a subtask of.
If your subtasks are lower into a large task or milestone, after moving one and getting bounced to the new parent task, you have to go back into the original task or milestone, scroll back down and repeat each time, requiring a lot of steps.
Use case: After spec’ing something, our developer likes us to close the spec task, copy the specs into what was a parent task of a different piece of work, then move various subtasks around. This can range from 1 to dozens of subtasks.
Is this still not done? I am confused by this page to no end… looks like users have been wanting this since 2017 and it is still as relevant and needed as it was 4 years ago, Asana.
Voted this and bumping this as a priority. This is a huge headache when managing a team of ten people and having subtasks that need to be moved for each person each quarter. There are some brilliant suggestions in the comments that could alleviate all sorts of stress (hot keys, dragging approach similar to many others, using the control select and then editing in bulk).
This has been a popular request for many years now. The only activity by the Asana team has been to merge posts. When can we expect actual action on this?
Would love to see this feature happen soon. We have new users to our team who create dozens of tasks and when it’s time to re-organize the project it’s really time change these tasks one-by-one to subtasks. Our new users get frustrated and our managers spend a lot of time cleaning these one-by-one items up. Please updated this feature.