Huge time saver!!
If we could at least drag-n-hold-above-task-n-drop would be enougth… but select and movve multiple, awesome.
accidentally creating sub task on different task that i should put it in, then I found, you can drag and drop the subtask, but Boom! what a mess! accidentally created a dozen of task based on the multiple subtask i moved, and now way you can’t reverse it back, the only option are you just moving it one by one if you can bulk move the subtask then change it to create a multiple task, why i couldn’t bulk move the task into a subtask
Same for me! Would love this feature!
That’s going to be a definite YES PLEASE.
ahhh please add this! Copy/paste doesn’t work when the tasks also live in another project.
Desperately need this! Common guys - Batch drag drop, option to move to other parents!
I’m begging for you to add this feature. I literally need batch drag/drop every day.
Another vote for this feature as we are stuck here too
Another vote here. I work with a lot of subtasks and this would be a huge help.
I would like to do this as well. Supporting Promote/Demote functionality for Sections>Tasks>Subtasks could be an efficient approach.
I have a suggestion here which I think would at least be a step in this direction:
Clicking into each existing task and going through the search to “convert to subtask of…” is just a drain.
Definitely support this feature request too. It would be convenient to mark tasks as subtasks just by drag-and-dropping them for instance.
Agreed. Would love to be able to either bulk convert tasks into subtasks 1) via the little black nav that appears when you select multiple tickets in list view or 2) click and drag
Yes please - this feature would be very helpful!
+1 for the feature request. Very useful to bulk move a week’s planned tasks into ‘Done’ section as a sub-task for a task for the given week’s summary, after the week is over.
Constructive view:
Lets do some math… At the enterprise level or at least for large projects imagine 1000 tasks. in order to piece together that amazing solution or feature you might be building.
If moving a task takes 8 seconds on average (find it, fuss over UI nonsense, drag it somewhere, etc). The real questions are:
- really take 8 seconds or likely more?
- UI changes whenever you click in the wrong spot and thus you might have to start over repeatedly
- oops… now you need to scroll… what a bummer that takes time to
- do I need to do stuff like this all the time because we release often or rapidly?
8sec x 500 tasks = 4000 sec → Over an hours of time.
4000 sec x 100 users that have your tool → 400,000 sec/user → Over 4.5 days
4.5 days x etc, etc…
Really this feature is impactful enough I would almost consider leaving this tool for a tool that allows better bulk selection so that my team (engineers/designers/etc) can work on operational improvements more efficiently while moving tasks around less and get more done for their customer.
Please help and expedite.
I have found a work around for this…
- Select all subtasks, as well as the subtask you want to house the rest of them (Parent) and assign them all to yourself.
- Select your MyTasks view.
- Select the subtask (Parent) you want to house the other subtasks. The task view panel will open so you can see the empty list of subtasks.
- You can then drag and drop, very quickly, the tasks you want to be subtasks of (Parent). You can’t do it as a batch, but it is much quicker than using the menus, as recommended.
- Note, this can only work if you are able to set yourself as the assignee for them all. If that messes up your workflow, then my apologies as I haven’t helped you at all.
Not a solution because I have a dozen diff people working on a mixmatch of the tasks…
This really is about selection, batch and not having to fumble around at a “per task” level.
I am quickly finding that Asana falls apart in reporting and usefulness if you have more than depth 2 or 3 of tasks in a given project. One that little karet goes away that lets you expand on tasks in the main project list view it all goes downhill. Hence the batch needs.
It’s not really feasible to do it manually one by one when you need to do it to dozens or hundreds of tasks.