We have a project to manage all the print materials that will be ordered on a large buy. These pieces tie into specific tasks within various projects. What I’ve been doing manually is creating a Final POS task that has subtasks of all the print materials associated with the buy. This is done on a quarterly basis for about 100 pieces that I’m individually making subtasks. Additionally, when I make them a “subtask of”, the tasks disappear from the original buy project so I’m having to go in and re-add. My workaround so far has been to “Add to Project” project first (which can be done in bulk). Once in the individual project, when I move to “subtask of”, it does not get removed from the original Buy project though it does get removed from the project with the task that it is being made a subtask of (if that all makes sense).
Yes, please make this possible. Even if I could just CTRL+Click the tasks and drag them into the subtasks section of another task would be amazingly helpful.
Hi! If I select one task, I can go to Advanced Actions > Make Subtask Of.
If I select multiple tasks, I don’t have this option. How can I do this in bulk?
We are currently using Asana to track employee draws - we have a Weekly Employee Tasks project where we keep track of their draws for the week, and check them off once we run payroll and everything is accounted for.
I would like to then move the checked off tasks into a task in another Project, and have found that the Advanced Option “Make Subtask of” is the only way to do this. Is there a way to do this with multiple tasks at once if I’m moving multiple draws from one Employee into another Task? Furthermore, is there a hot key for this besides having to go into the task and navigate to Advanced Options?
I like the idea of there being a hot key for this behavior. That may not be as necessary if this ability was an option within the new bulk editing capabilities.
@Emily_Roman can you merge this post the following one:
It is possible to move subtasks as subtasks of another task but if I have several tasks (not subtasks) selected at once, I can’t find the option (…/Advanced/Make a subtask of) - screenshot attached. Or am I mistaken?
this is an issue for us too. we use subtasks as milestones for projects. at the moment we have to drag tasks individually from the task list to another task, so it becomes a subtask.
we have about 100 tasks that we need to move to be subtasks! currently we have to do this one by one by dragging each task to become a subtask. its very painful not to have any option for bulk moving of tasks to subtasks. even selecting a few and trying to drag them to another task’s subtask section doesnt work.
is there any workaround for this to save us from individually moving all of them?
Just in case you are not aware: if these tasks don’t have very detailed and specific subtasks, you can just copy paste them as subtasks within the task you want (but it is true that it only works to paste the text, nothing else).
its funny you mentioned that, we actually had just tried it as a workaround but we are trying to have these milestone tasks synced/multi-homed so copy and pasting seems to create a new sub task and also, dates and assignee don’t copy and paste
it seems relatively easy to multi-home bulk subtasks into another project as tasks but trying to go the other way, multi-homing tasks as subtasks in another project is very difficult.
same here ! Reorganizing large lists after asana made the move to allow switching back-and-forth between list view & board view is extremely cumbersome without the ability to move multiple tasks into subtasks of another task.
@asana team: please provide a solution for this asap (could be as simple as an entry in the 3-button-menu “move to task as subtask”)