Introducing goals strategy map!

Hi Asana community!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of ou new feature: Goals strategy map! This powerful update makes it easier than ever to track, navigate, and diagnose the status and progress of your most strategic goals and the work driving them forward.

With goals strategy map, you’ll get a clear, holistic view of how goals and initiatives are interconnected. This insight empowers you to identify dependencies, allocate resources effectively, and make smarter decisions about priorities.

Accessing the Strategy Map is simple:

  1. Navigate to the sidebar.
  2. Click Goals.
  3. Select the Strategy Map tab.

rtaImage (1).jpeg

:sparkles: Register to our live training and see goals strategy map in action :sparkles:

You can also learn more about this update in our new Help Center article.

We can’t wait for you to explore this feature and experience how it simplifies managing your strategic goals. Let us know your thoughts once you give it a try!

Please note this feature is available on Asana Advanced, Enterprise, and Enterprise+ tier. Visit our pricing page for more information.


I’m not sure if this is a happy move…
Goals still have much space for improvement as they work quite differently in many ways from other Asana functions. Some of them I’ve reported in feedback points below - and it’s not only about crazy long URLs in Goals.

The strategy map seems to be VERY limited attempt to substitute tools like Xmind, which is super powerful if you are serious about any (sophisticated) strategy maps. In Asana is maybe useful for small business or teams and projects as well.

  1. Goals bug / suggestion - Asana add-ons doesn’t recognize goals link
  2. Duplicating Goals and Sub-Goals
  3. Custom fields in Goals overview page
  4. “Add to Goals” feature in projects & tasks

Goals are definitely on the right way, but the strategy map with so limited functions is step aside from my POV.


I’m loving this and the fact that you can hold Ctrl and scroll mouse wheel to zoom in and out like other visualization apps. I assume the Cmd key on Macs does the same…?

Also the highlighter tool is very useful!

@Emily_Roman, in your screenshot, the tab is called ‘Diagnosis’ but I can’t seem to rename it. Is that coming soon or is that an early mock-up?

And some light feedback to the team. In the Company goals tab we can set the title of the Mission…

…but in the Strategy map it is just ‘Our mission’ by default, and non-editable.

Should it not reflect the same?

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Finally! Despite it’s the first step of many (I hope), finally Asana starts to think visually. (Still surprised by not-implemented Asana Worg Graph in Asana). Which is the most important on strategic level.

Is this a limited release? We are an enterprise plus organization, and I do not see the “strategy map” tab.

@Jan_Rajdl Thank you for sharing your candid feedback with us! We truly appreciate your insights. While we can’t guarantee that all suggestions will be implemented in the near term, please know that we’ll carefully consider your recommendations as we continue enhancing Goals.

@Richard_Sather thanks for the heads up about the tab in my screenshot. That was an early mock up so I just added some updated gifs :white_check_mark: I will make sure to pass your report about the Company goals section to our team as well and will let you know when I have more information.

@ElmarCendelin thanks for your feedback! We are glad you find this update useful!

@Brittany_Goitiz we are gradually rolling out this update and it will be available to all Advanced, Enterprise and Enterprise+ customers soon. I’ll confirm on this post once it’s fully rolled out :slight_smile:


Love the push for visual! This goal view could develop into a very powerful tool. I understand Asana takes a MVP design and product rollout right? Roll out the minimal viable product then refine? Nice to at least see this as a peak at the future.

Currently, our instance is showing all the archived goals, I can’t seem to find any way to filter out those archived goals. Is hide/filter archived (last year’s closed goals) going to be a fast follow? I’d imagine most users would have a very cluttery strategy if it’s showing all closed goals into one map.

Maybe a “filter” button could replace the highlighter for consistency? Asana uses the “filter” concept on most other views, so maybe that’s an easier fit.


Hi, if I upgrade to asana advanced will I be able to track a goal or strategy map of tracking that “90% of tasks are complete on time” or would there be a current way to do this?

@Richard_Sather the ability to update “Our mission” title is scheduled as a fast follow, thanks again for bringing that up!

@Tanner_Wilson Thanks for your feedback! I’m checking with our product team about your question and will let you know once I have more info. Our product team is definitely planning fast follows and will continue improving the strategy map, we will keep this post updated with any news :slight_smile:

@Dara_Colarusso you can create a goal and attach certain projects to that goal. Then you could add that the progress of the goal is automatically updated via task completion. This would give you an estimate of the # of tasks completed. See more here: Asana Help Center


Hi Tanner! Goals Product Manager here, thanks for your feedback. By “Archived”, do you mean goals that have “closed” statuses like Achieved, Partial, Dropped, or Missed?


@arijanover ,Yes! That’s exactly right. Every goal the company has ever made is appearing right now, and I can’t seem to find a filter button to hide those achieved / dropped goals.

Love this update. Found it by accident as I was updating my goals today, and went down the rabbit hole.

I’m back now :grinning:


Can this be made available to the legacy Business tier please? My understanding is it aligns with Advanced. When I try to view the map it encourages me to sign up to Advanced, when we’re already on Business. Thanks

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Looking forward to attending a live training on this topic. Any idea when they will be scheduled as when I visit the link there are no dates listed.

Very Nice!