⚠ Increase limit of 20 Portfolios for Advanced tier (Legacy Business)

Simply resonating some initial reactions to the new feature limitations that will be imposed sometime in 2025 (?) for the new Advanced tier (legacy Business): 20 portfolios for up to 500 users appears to be relatively low. This request is for Asana to reconsider increasing this to at least 50, if not 100. :pray:

(this is following Asana’s announcement of the changes to their product tiers , and in particular the limitation of Portfolios for the Advanced tier).

:exclamation: Click the purple Vote button in the top left and, optionally, also make a choice below.

Increase the limit of Portfolios on Advanced tier from 20 to…

  • …at least 50
  • …at least 100
  • …over 100
0 voters

+1 for me

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I voted. It’s hard to imagine that Asana didn’t realize this would cause consternation for Business plan customers (and Partners) being such a low number and not being related to the number of paid users, even.


Uhhhh, 20 for 500? No way we can stay organized with that limitation. I thought we were using this software so we could stay organized?


20 portfolios? That’s a ridiculous limitation. We use Portfolios to group multiple projects for a specific client. Voted!


Infelizmente este erro faz repensar Asana em virtude do valor pago por licença.

Em minha organização, 175 Membros, caso isto não mude vamos ter que deixar de usar a plataforma, não tenho orçamento para subir outro nível de licença o que praticamente duplicaria o valor.

Isto tem que ser revisto.


I agree this is extremely low, even us with a team of 10 people we are already close to this number…


This is extremely low and would be a huge negative impact on our organization.


I hope this can be reconsidered! We use portfolios to group all of our campaigns for each of our products. With such a small portfolio limit, we’ll have to move down into projects for that grouping, which means we’ll have to spend hours manually scheduling project tasks that we can currently apply easily with project templates.


Voted and agree whole-heartedly that this limit is unreasonable. IMHO, the best approach would not be to set a flat limit across all accounts at the level, but set a “per paid user” limit that grows as your team grows.

Right now, we are implementing an update to our usage style and for our 20 person plan, have over 50 portfolios. We are the in-house marketing department for a large Health System and have quite a number of “clients” that are all the different service lines of care. We have a portfolio for each + a portfolio for each of our marketing reps.


To me, this really moves people away from the structure Asana has been recommending for the past couple of years. I’m already rethinking what I recommend to some clients to move them out of relying on portfolios so much since this would be the only feature that would make them require the considerable investment in switching to an Enterprise plan.


It might indeed cause the opposite effect: people not using Portfolios at all…


I will likely churn from Asana because of this. I run agile out of asana and with a 20 portfolio limitation, it makes it pretty much unusable

For now, and for many months, this is a soft limit. Don’t leave just yet!


Up voted this idea with an additional request to provide a feature that allow archiving Portfolios to help Business plan customers manage such a low limitation.

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Thanks for voting @Maria_Susan_Angustia!
You may also want to vote on this: Archive a Portfolio

PS: Ah, I just noticed that you already have :smiley:

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I have been a passionate Asana user and lover for probably close to 10 years and have personally advocated for and successfully convinced leaders across dozens of teams in multiple organizations to adopt Asana as their work management platform, and I am extremely concerned and disappointed by the decision to add a limit to portfolios.

This limitation fundamentally changes portfolios as a feature and significantly handicaps project organization and usability in a transparent attempt to force organizations into more expensive product tiers, which is especially frustrating when Asana is already the most expensive broadly used employee application we have; compounded by the lack of no flexible per-user licensing options and automatic membership based on domain.

Previously (maybe still?), Asana created new users a portfolio, by default, when they joined a workspace to help the employee organize the projects that are relevant to them. To me, this is clear evidence that Asana is designed with portfolios in mind as a method to help individuals and teams organize their work. When training, I’ve always told new users that “Teams are for permissions and Portfolios are for organization and structure”. This became even more necessary with the sidebar redesign, which further buried projects under teams and made it more difficult to locate specific projects when organized by team.

This is a bad look, Asana. You’re nerfing your own product and making it more difficult to use, which erodes your customer’s trust. Convince me to upgrade with fair, reasonable, and useful features and enhancements, not by taking something away. I strongly urge you to reconsider.


Although I am personally not affected by this, I find it hard look at this as anything other than a move to pester customers into a more expensive tier.


One of my Asana clients got the following warning the other day. They were planning to make extensive use of portfolios on my recommendation, but this limitation is causing us to rethink this strategy. Twenty portfolios isn’t enough for most organizations (even relatively small ones), and upgrading to Asana Enterprise just to remove this limitation isn’t an attractive option if all they need is more portfolios.


The message is a bit frightening, even though officially we were told this limit will be soft for a few more months. We all hope they’ll raise that bar…