Automatically mark as incomplete

My team often have additional tasks of the same kind coming up months after a task was completed. I have trained them well enough to have them look up the previous task or project, and add the new task there, assign it to me and set a new due date. Unfortunately they often forget to mark the task as incomplete, meaning the task isn’t added to “My Tasks”, or rather remains invisible as it is completed.
My suggestion would be to automatically mark a task as incomplete, if the due date was changed to be in the future.

Hi @Julian_Friesel

Have you had a look at using rules to see if you can ensure that the task is marked incomplete after the reassignment?


No, we don’t have a Business subscription. I just about convinced my boss that we get the Premium membership. It is going to be an uphill battle to get the business version I reckon.


FYI even with custom rules, Asana doesn’t have a rule action to mark a completed task as incomplete. So no need to try and sell that Business subscription to your boss - at least not for this reason.

appreciated, Phil.

Hi all,

FYI Flowsana now has a rule action that changes a task from complete to incomplete based on any Flowsana rule trigger:

Hi all :wave:t2:

Good news! We have just begun rolling out Inverse Rule actions today and this includes a “ Mark task as incomplete ” action :tada:

For more info, you can take a look at the announcement post:

Looking forward to hearing your feedback in the comments :slight_smile: