I just saw the thread on creating a rule that sends complete tasks to a different section. I liked it, but my first thought was to see what happens when you then mark the task incomplete. This happens often enough where a user accidentally marks something complete, and then remarks it as incomplete. So a new trigger would be useful. TRIGGER: Task marked incomplete. Followed up by ACTION: Task moved to a different section. I feel I can’t use the rule if there’s no way to backtrack without doing so manually.
If that request does not exist, @moderators should move it to Product Feedback so we can upvote it!
Hi @Lou_Buono_Jr!
Although it is possible to send complete tasks to a different section, as it stands, it is not possible to automatically move tasks marked incomplete back to their previous section. I’m moving your thread to our product feedback category to allow other users to upvote
Hi all,
FYI Flowsana now has a rule trigger for “If the task has been changed to be incomplete”:
Was there an update about making this happen? It’ll be useful if there’s a way.
Need the inverse trigger that when a task is marked incomplete.
Often people mark tasks complete by accident. I want the ability that when they mark it incomplete, I can take action.
Hi @Getz_Pro, thanks for providing this feedback!
We do have an existing thread for this request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.
Hopefully this is something we can implement in the future I’ll keep you posted in the main thread.
@Rebecca_McGrath are there any news about trigger for tasks marked incomplete? Still waiting for it. As @Getz_Pro said it will help at least with tasks that was closed accidently, but not only in such situations.
Users accidentally mark a task complete all the time, and then quickly mark it incomplete. Naturally, the rule that moves the task to another section when the task is marked complete runs, but we have no way of automatically moving it back to the proper section. Like others have stated, we need this trigger please! Any updates?
There is an action to mark an item incomplete, but no trigger for the same. In particular, when an item is marked incomplete in a project there is no way to move it from say, a “Done” section to a “Doing” section. This is an inconvenience that you can’t automate the project you’re currently in this way, but a much bigger shortcoming in any other project where that task is duplicated.
I suggest you join the already existing thread: New trigger for rules - task marked incomplete
Will it work with an AND command? We need it to only run the rule if a certain custom field is a specific selection.
We have a custom field that tracks if we have invoiced for that task yet. If the task has been already invoiced, when the task is unmarked as complete, we don’t want the invoicing custom field changed from “Invoiced” back to “Pending Task Completion”. instead we would want the rule to auto re-check off the task to protect the task from someone trying to modify a task that’s already been invoiced.
Not yet. We’re working on revamping the Flowsana UI so it will (among other things) support multiple rule trigger conditions.
Would be useful to have this trigger rule, the current workaround I use is to have a custom field and refer to that in the trigger rule.
It is possible to create a rule to move a task to Done section when completed. But when that task is marked incomplete again, it stays in the Done section and causes errors in our reporting if it is not spotted and moved to another section. Would it be possible to add as a trigger “if the task is marked incomplete” - “move to section” to the rules, please?
I’ve merged your request with an existing one. Please vote at the top of this thread.
Would be very useful…
I am trying Asana because Monday.com has frustrating limitations. I was hoping Asana was an ultimately simpler and more effective tool for project management. The fact that this issue of not automatically moving a complete task that is market incomplete was brought up in 2020 and still not available is ridiculous. COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS. I don’t care about Flowsana. Moving a task market incomplete is the most basic of rule and shouldn’t require a separate application or subscription. UNBELIEVABLE!
I agree its ridiculous. Asana is about 90% on point. Whatever it lacks though will stay thay way forever. They do not take customer feedback seriously. Its really a shame.
I just cancelled my plan. Adios Asana!