I’m an architect now working as a consultant in Organization Design for Architecture.
I work in Asana for myself since quite a while, and recently I’ve started testing Asana with some of my clients to see how Asana could assist architects in their practice.
Are there any other architectsin the community already using Asana to exchange experiences?
At the moment I’m struggling finding the best way to organize the Organization. I’ve set every architectural project as Project, but find it quite limited to use the project’s process (preliminary design, definitive design) as main sections within the project, I’d like to test sections and task as research themes or maybe deadlines.
Any feedback is welcome!
I think any services industry has the same dilemma of where to start in the Asana hierarchy after organization. With Teams-Project-Sections, Tasks and Subtasks available along with custom fields there is flexibility. I would love to see your exact question have some good feedback across multiple industries. I have attached an Excel jpg of what I presume would be the structure similar to what you are discussing only in construction. I think your choices are to make Team be the project or Team be the Client and continue with Projects to do everything. Based on the attached it would seem that you could continue with Projects and use Sections to be the stages, but certainly you can back things up the hiarchy. If you use the Project-Sections-Task layout, I would use subtasks for attachments even if you were using Dropbox, Box or Google Drive so you could have great descriptions of the attachments and could take advantage of versioning in Dropbox, Box or Google and conversations on attachments. Because Advance Searches does not pick up Sections well, I would use a custom field if you have premium for the stage (which is also the section). This would allow some great searches across projects for stages. In addition you could use custom fields for more data as well as the third party integration, Instaganttt for gantt charts So after a long-winded reply I would try the Team=Client, Project (or multiple)-Sections-Tasks-Subtasks and use one of the storage options for attachments with versioning.
**I would also recommend that Asana consider allowing Expand and Collapse to the Section level.**
We’ve been using Asana for a while now with our projects simply set up as Asana Projects too. Historically we’ve used it as a simple collaborative to-do list. No use of Sections or anything like that. Just task assignment as the tasks pop up.
But now I’m starting to explore other uses. My first experiment today has been to produce a drawing programme in Asana. I’ve added all the drawings we need to produce, with a section for each set of drawings (e.g. GA Plans) and added drawing issues as subtasks to each drawing. I’ve then added linked this to Instagantt to produce a gantt chart programme. To begin with I’ve just started adding the dates within Asana for drawings we’ve already issued but I’m going to have a go at fleshing out the drawing programme in Instagantt today.
Leftover from this we still have all our other tasks relating to the project. So I’ve divided them up into the following sections: Tasks to Do, Tasks in Progress (although I may ditch this one) and Tasks Completed. I’ve then switched the view to show all tasks (and saved this view for everyone).
But now I’m thinking I might separate out the general tasks and the drawing programme into separate Asana Projects. Having the two together is a bit cumbersome, and now that I’ve divided general tasks into to-do, in-progress and done, I think I’d like to give the Asana Board format a go. I think the drawing programme is suited much better to the List format.
CA here for a small-ish architecture firm on some incredible and BIG projects. Just started using Asana and now have the Contractor on board as well. Currently TRYING to use it to trach docs, RFI’s - Subs other CD’s. Anyone HAVE it set up for this PURPOSE? Tips? TYIA
I have been using Asana for almost 2 years fit my Architecture practice. I have set up my system based on the GTD methodology. It works for the design process as well as during construction. I also have a project Setup for business development.
Architect, and Project manager for projects across Europe, I have been successfully been using Asana to manage teams & projects. Each project is broken down into stages of the project: Concept, Schematic, Building permit, etc… It helps me organize them in a Gantt view with Instagantt. It also makes sure that all the elements/information are shared across teams and that nothing is forgotten. It is also great to involve all stakeholders of the project and offer a very transparent collaborative way of developing the project. What it is less successful at doing, is being a central location to access files. As files are only visible in Buddle, without versions, without specific organization other than the task it is attached to. I find users have also a hard time using the very powerful search engine asana offers.
Ken, would you be willing to share some of your project templates with the group?
Paul, would you be willing to share a typical project example? This would be very helpful, even if just a pdf so we can understand your workflow.
Hi Christiaan, I just found your post while searching if anyone has done exactly what you mention here. I’m about to delve into Asana and I’m wondering if you have an update on how your Asana system is working out?
P.S. small world, we’ve spoken on the VW forum
Ha! Hi Kit, yes we’re using the system pretty as I describe. Drawing programmes are set up as separate projects. We’re not using Gantt charts, just standard lists. And our main project tasks are now divided into the RIBA Work Stages. Equivalent to AIA’s five phases.
Thanks Christiaan, I’m glad it’s working out, we’ll give it a try.
I have set up something very similar. I also set a section called “timeline” which is the only section I export as a Master View from Instagantt so my clients can see a general timeline without seeing all the tasks, subtasks and internal information. It helps to keep my clients accountable for their part in the process as well, since they can now see how taking too long to make their decisions affects the entire timeline.
Hello! Do you know of any RIBA work stage templates in Asana? That would MAKE MY DAY, thanks
Hi Brondie, we’re actually in the midst of changing our template. The main thing we’ve changed is that we’ve stopped using sub-tasks. Sub-tasks in Asana can’t be assigned to a Project, so they end up in this silo, never to be seen again.
Our lists are now flat. And we’ve started making much heavier use of Tags. Building Regs, Floor Plans, Elevations, Sections, Window Schedule, Details, Ventilation, RFIs, Planning Conditions, Maintenance & Cleaning Strategy, etc. You name it, we’re tagging it.
We’ve also stopped grouping our lists into Work Stages and started using Tags for this as well. If we had access to Custom Fields we’d use those instead, because they can be multi-choice dropdown menus. But Tags work (it just relies a little more on people remembering to tag tasks with the work stage when they create them)
If we had access to Custom Fields, along with Work Stages, we’d probably also have a column for “Status” as well (In Progress, Working On, etc).
But instead we’re trialing a Kanban layout, by creating Sections for: Backlog, Doing, Blocked, In-Review and Done. Although the section breakdown is very much in flux at the moment while we trial it.
This thread has been very helpful (thank you to everyone who has responded!). I am working with a medium-sized architecture firm regarding their Asana implementation and was wondering if anyone has recommendations for Asana implementation specialists (corporate or independent) that also have architecture experience/background?
Hi @Kerry_Gallivan1 , welcome to the forum
Apart from being a forum leader here, I am also an Asana Solutions Partner, certified by Asana to consult, train and onboard companies onto Asana and to get them up and running fast through a structured training program.
You can have a look at my website for more information on who I am and what I do.
And guess what, my background is in architecture!
I’ve worked for various sized practices, contractors and developers throughout my 20-year career and have since implemented Asana in several architectural practices who are thrilled to be using it!
Please DM me if you want to discuss more or let’s connect: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richardsather
I’d be happy to assist!
Dear Kelly,
My name is Veronica, I’m an architect and professional organizer for architecture.
I work with architecture firms of any size to improve their work efficiency, also by implementing platforms as ASANA. I’m also a certified pro in ASANA.
If you are interested you can check my website.
I’m italian, based in Lisbon, and I work mainly online with all my clients.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me in case you’d need any info.
Have a nice weekend,
Hi Veronica,
Thank you for reaching out. I am very interested in learning more. Is there any chance you have an English version of your website? If not, I can use Google Translate.
Best regards,
Dear Kerry,
apologies for the late reply, I’m on a short summer break and therefore not regularly checking the mail.
Unfortunately the site at this moment is only in italian and portuguese, since I’m focusing on these markets.
If you are interested in anything specifically, we can always organize a call in the next few weeks, I’ll be operative by July the 10th.
Kind Regards
Thanks, Veronica. I am going to email you directly at your website email address so we can coordinate a meeting. Most likely not until around July 10th.
Have a good holiday in the meantime!
Best regards,