Add a project to a portfolio, while I'm in the project itself

It would be really great to be able to add a project to a portfolio, at the project level. In otherwords, while I’m in an individual project, have an option to add it to a portfolio from there, rather than going to the portfolios screen and clicking the “add project” button. It would also be super nice to be able to do this from a search results screen. Often I want to create a portfolio based on a set of search criteria and it’s cumbersome having to workaround by opening another window in Asana and going back and forth between the portfolio screen and the search results screen.


Thanks for the feedback @Katy_Scott! Portfolios are very new and we’re planning to keep developing them so your feedback are super important to us! Thanks for taking the time to share them with us!


Would be nice to have somewhere in e.g. the down-carat menu by the title an option to “Add Project to Portfolio…” and some modal box. Complicator might be whether/how to display from the Project view “This Project is in the following portfolios…” – and that list of portfolios to be links that’d take you to that portfolio.


Hi @Eston_Melton and thanks for reaching out! We already have an extisting thread on this topic (Add a project to a portfolio, while I'm in the project itself), so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with this existing thread to gather all feedback and votes on this topic in one thread; hoe you don’t mind :slight_smile:

YES! Adding, removing, and moving projects in portfolios is not a user friendly experience and won’t be until it can be done from a project.


I posted a similar idea. It’s a pain to load projects via the portfolio panel. The idea of loading via the project is great. But it’s still only a little bit better. The system needs to be able to load projects into the portfolio by using a panel that allows you to pick a team (user, custom field, etc) and then show all the projects associated with that choice, then allow you to checkmark each project you want loaded into the portfolio.

Having to do this one-by-one is annoying.


I agree.

This is the same for my team. We have only recently transitioned to Asana and manually having to add each project to a portfolio is frustrating. We currently have 3 portfolios to manage our team workload and it is almost painful to manually add each new project to them. We have two types of projects which have corresponding portfolios (each with around 100-150 projects in them) and then an additional portfolio that is combined so we can get a view of an individual’s workload as they a will have tasks from both types of projects. Its is very clunky to add them to both from the portfolio view.

Hi and thank you all for taking the time to tell us in detail why this would be useful to your teams, we really appreciate it! As Portfolios as still very fresh, I’ve gone ahead and escalated your feedback directly to the Team in charge of Portfolios for them to consider this in the next update. I’ll make sure to keep you posted here as soon as I have an update! Thanks again for your patience and your willingness to help us make Portfolio better!

My team is trying to rebuild our Asana process around portfolios and workload so that we can have a nice clear overview of where everything stands. The problem is that right now adding things to portfolios is enormously time consuming and not intuitive. Projects must be added from the portfolio page, and can only be searched for by project name. We would LOVE to see:

  1. Projects can be added to a portfolio from the project page itself. This would resolve 90% of the issue as this could be done simply as part of the on boarding process.

  2. Projects can be searched for from the portfolio page by team name as well as by project. We may have dozens of projects at any given point named ‘banner’ or ‘business cards’. But if we had the option to just type in the team name it would narrow it down really quickly.

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Thank you so much for taking time to share your feedback with us @Tommy_Casual and for describing how this would be so useful for you and your colleagues.

Other users have requested the same functionality so to avoid duplications, I’ve gone ahead and merged your post within the main thread to consolidate feedback and votes! I hope It’s OK!

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Thanks Natalia!

I echo the great ideas of the others in this thread. Being able to bulk add to portfolios would be amazing. Often when we onboard a new client we will queue up 7-10 projects for them. If we add 2 or 3 clients at 10 projects a piece, adding each individual one to our portfolio is a beast.

Thanks all!

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Pleeeease add this this functionality. I have changed our entire workflow around portfolios and now find out it’s super annoying to make sure all the new projects are in the right portfolios. We are trying to get everyone to update their project status every week, but if they don’t enable the weekly reminder, it falls through the cracks.

You have have an easy way to create a portfolio for yourself with all your owned projects in it.

And another that automatically adds new projects to portfolios based on what team or owner they have. Can we can some sort of timeline on this feature? If it’s going to take years, I may have to look somewhere else or at least downgrade our organization account.


Completely agree! It would save the two step process of (1) creating the project, then (2) going into Portfolio and searching/adding the project to it.

It would also be awesome if the ‘Add to Portfolio’ feature within a Project could be saved as part of ‘Make a template’ so that the template could automatically add the new project to a specific portfolio. We would use it for adding our Communications/Marketing Plan projects to our Communications/Marketing Plans portfolio automatically on creation.

Cheers, Melanie

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Hi Asana Community Forum Managers

As is the case with many teams, we’re VERY interested in this functionality which would enable us to add Projects to a Portfolio while in the Project itself. It looks like the last comments on this topic were made about 5 months ago. Please could you confirm if this feature is being prioritzed by the dev/tech team responsible for Portfolio enhancements? If yes, if you could kindly share an update in terms of estimated timelines of launching this feature, that would be much appreciated.
Would it make a different if there were more/a certain number of +1’s on this thread?

Thank you!

What is the status on this feature. While portfolios are great while in the portfolio I would like to update custom fields to update the project but scrolling through multiple jobs in the portfolio takes way too much time.

It would also be helpful to be able to add a project to a portfolio from the project level.

Thank you

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  • Also when in a project: see a list of Portfolio’s the project is in
  • Add the project to a Portfolio
  • A list of projects not in any Portfolio
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Would it be possible to add and remove a project from an existing portfolio from the progress tab of a project?

Hi @anon63527670 and welcome to the Forum!

As it stands, it is not possible to add or remove a project to a Portfolio from its progress tab but I can certainly understand how useful it would be.

There is an existing thread regarding this request so I’ve gone ahead and merged our post to it to consolidate feedback! Please don’t forget to cast your vote :slight_smile:

Have a nice day Jules!

Portfolios are how my direct leadership views our progress on projects. As it stands, I have no way of adding a project to a portfolio from either the create-project screen OR from the project itself. This is absolutely CRITICAL during our busy time of year where things can fall through the cracks. Less clicks = less mistakes.

Any update on when we’ll be able to add projects to portfolios when creating the project or when in the project itself (rather than from the Portfolio)?

My team are flat out refusing to use the Portfolio function because ‘It’s more work to navigate to the Portfolio and add the project after I’ve just been in/created the project elsewhere’ - it’s driving me nuts! And, now they’ve created a new ‘Team’ to list all the Portfolio projects there instead, but this means the projects don’t have our enhanced paid features and the ‘At a glance’ views are not available. I can’t seem to knock any sense into them on this point and they’re adamant that it’s because they can’t add the template projects directly to the Portfolio at the time of creation. Help!?