Zapier can't find my Project

Trying to create adding a task to a project using Zapier. But when I go to the drop down to select the project I can’t find the one I’m looking for. I’ve clicked the “load more projects” option until it shows no more options and it’s still not there.


You logged in to the zap using the same account as the one seeing the project in Asana?

@Jennifer_Kellogg Another option in Zapier is to “use a custom value” with the project ID.



I’m having the same problem - any help would be useful please.

Sorry to open up this thread again, but I ran into the same problem and found a solution to those who are still struggling: as mentioned by @Bastien_Siebman a long time ago.

To find the Custom ID though, which may not be very clear for some users, navigate to Asana and right-click the project → copy link → paste in address bar.

Log in - Asana<##########>/list

<#########> is the ID which you can insert into the custom ID parameter.
I have just tested this workflow and it works well, without any permission issues.


With the custom id being removed as an option for Asana has anyone found a new solution?

It hasn’t been removed; it’s available to use for an action but not for a trigger. I don’t think that’s changed (or has it, @abass)?

@Erich_Grundman_FL_Ha, are you wanting to use it for a trigger, is that the issue?

Nothing has changed from what I’m aware of? I still have dozens of Asana zaps chugging along without issue. I might not be fully understanding what they are referring to as being removed though. Maybe @Erich_Grundman_FL_Ha could include a bit more context?

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Same here, no issue with Zapier :man_shrugging:

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Does anyone know if this issue is resolved because Zapier (Asana) can’t find my project?

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You can still do the custom project in the following area:


Also, since It won’t show up in the list, you just click the Blue text to use the project id you entered. I just did this and it worked!

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Good tip, thanks, did not know.

Just adding, that with the current version of Zapier, using the current version of Asana, this is not an option.

There is no way to specify a “Custom” project using the project_id from the Asana list URL as suggested, you can only connect to existing projects when creating the Zap.

If your project is not in the list after refreshing until no more projects can be loaded, you can’t turn on the Zap, nor edit it and use the project_id from Asana.

It may have worked 18 days ago when this thread was posted, but it no longer works as described above.

Hi @anon95701800,

I just checked and nothing has changed from before - it’s still available. As stated above, though:

The New Project in Asan trigger doesn’t work either. Any thoughts from anyone. It returns template projects; but not new projects in teams.

Did you click on the “load more” over and over again?


Same issue here. I’m trying to set up new triggers and it won’t find any of my active projects, only old and archived ones. I’ve tried both by name and by ID.

Same issue! I was able to work around it but continuously clicking Load More until I got to recent projects. I couldn’t search using the name or ID.

Hi, I’ve been having the same problem,

I have tried all of this already, the load more and also using the project ID, but nothing,
although it works with some other projects but the one I need.

Thank you