I really need this feature. We’re a contracting organization and part of the service we provide is supporting the startup of their project management and infrastructure build. Thus we want others to use asana too! We are helping others adopt the tool but meanwhile the more clients we get, the more asana task lists we create for ourselves.
I also want to add that I asked members of my team to upvote this. And found out that they’re not able to upvote without a paid account. I’d expect a feature like this to bring in more paid users (who are not allowed to vote on this poll).
That doesn’t sound right to me. AFAIK anyone should be able to create a forum login.
Hello @Taylor_Scott, the forum is completely free and available equally to all users (paid or free). However as @Phil_Seeman explained, you do need to create a forum account in order to upvote feature requests!
It’s sad that Asana has been so complacent in its success. I feel like it could be so much more, but I guess they’re just comfortable with where they’re at now.
Just because they haven’t implemented one particular feature doesn’t equate to complacency/comfort, as evidenced by the fact that they’re introducing more new features more rapidly now than at any time in the 6 years I’ve been using Asana. Rather, it means that they haven’t prioritized this particular feature as something to implement, taking into account a bunch of variables including their own strategic direction, what their users (and not just the ones here in the forum) are asking for relative to other features, the technical cost of implementing it, and more.
Hi Phil
Do you know if there is a place to see all the tasks been completed by Asana? You comment about them making loads of new features but I don’t see that often, be good to be able to view what’s done. The Considered, In Development and Launched, links on the top of this page do not work: Product Feedback - Asana Forum
A problem I have with Asana is they do not seem to honour the votes, you get a lot of features completed with much less votes. So I have had similar opinions to @finfred for many years. I don’t see the point in voting tasks other that to give a sense of false hope. You can see this by referring to the tasks in “The Considered, In Development and Launched” section and viewing the number of votes. The tasks completed here don’t even seem to have much commercial reasoning for Asana. So I have always questioned Asana’s decision making for years, if its a task not in a commercial interest with very few votes, why are they working on these and not the ones with high votes. Seeing tasks across multiple organisations should be considered a commercial incentive for Asana because I am at a point now, with this missing feature and others, that I am actively searching for an alternative task management system as I have waited far too long for needed featured.
And then is there a link to view all proposed features with votes, so we can see the top voted requests? This one is at 1017 now, but I cant see where that is on the list. This Votes page doesn’t show Votes Product Feedback - Asana Forum. Seems like a lot of voted until we compare to other voted tasks. EDIT: Actually this page does show votes, but not as a column on the right, but a subtle smaller greyed out number under the title so it does not stand out.
So I can see this task is the 7th highest voted request so far.
Hi Laurence,
No, there isn’t one publicly-available place. The closest thing I know of is the monthly Release Notes section here in the forum.
Yeah, that’s brand new and the forum moderators are getting the kinks worked out. They know the links are not currently functional; I’m confident they will be working soon.
It’s important to realize that forum votes are only one of many factors that Asana uses in deciding what to work on. Trust me when I say a lot of forum votes does help, but it’s also the case that a lot of votes doesn’t necessarily mean something will get added.
I hear you about the “commercial interest” part - sometimes I also puzzle over some thing that get added - but without being privy to all of the Asana internal discussions and all of the direct customer requests (especially things that their large Enterprise customers or prospects are asking for), we just IMHO have too incomplete a picture to pass judgement on why a particular thing was or wasn’t added.
You found it!
Those category links were fixed earlier today, by the way.
Oh excellent!
Please tell us that this basic feature is live already?
I am in dire need of this! I know it’s a big ask but come on, Asana - so many people have requested it since 2017 or maybe even earlier! I hope you can start working on this - my boss thinks this is a dealbreaker for Asana compared to other Project Management Systems, but Asana has so many useful features. This is just the main red flag honestly.