I have a KPI to “generate a kick-off document within 14 days of the contract” for each new contract that crosses my desk. The contracts are tasks in a company-wide visible project, and the “generate kick-off document” is a subtask that auto-populates with a workflow when the contract status is changed to active with a relative due date of 14 days from the subtask trigger date.
I’ve created a custom field, “Completion Date”. In order to get this auto-calculated instead of a manual entry, I made it a formula of [[$DATEADD_FUNCTION]]([[$COMPLETED_ON]], 0). That’s going great - by all spot checks, it’s calculating exactly as it should.
I’m stuck on the tracking/linking to a goal part of this. How can I measure, via goals, whether or not I’m meeting my KPI? I cannot figure out how to effectively track the due date + custom field and get a metric on how many instances in which those items are not identical per task.
Adding to my initial comment: If the generate kick-off document is the only subtask then filtering subtasks only might also be sufficient. I think the option with the custom field is a bit more future proof though.
Also, this might contain a good idea for new Product Feedback people can vote for. (Assuming a thread doesn’t exist already)