We will find many uses for this ability, but currently:
We have a “Delivery Date” field in our Projects portfolio, so we can easily see our upcoming installs. We have to manually update this date in the portfolio after manually updating the “deliver cabinets” subtask within each project. We would love if when we add/change the due date of the subtask, it changes the “Delivery Date” field in the portfolio automatically.
Thank you for creating a great software and letting us submit update ideas. We appreciate your consideration!
You can find a workaround solution here (and note my post toward the end of that topic which may help a bit if you try to implement):
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Thank you for linking the post there and providing good alternatives for field names. I am sure I am missing something, but I cannot get this to work. I thought I had it working after I added the last field, “Delivery Date” for me, because it showed the date I had set the subtask to, but then I changed the subtask date, and it did not update within the portfolio field. Can you help me with this?
Just off the top of my head, I see you mentioned “subtask” and maybe it would be good for you to first see if you can get it working for a top-level task in case that’s the issue? Try to follow all the steps and double-check everything; it must be exact.
Sorry, @Nova1, but if the above doesn’t help, it would be hard for me to debug this in the Forum, but maybe someone else would try?
@Tetsuo_Kawakami It worked on a task instead of subtask so I will probably make an adjustment and stick with that. Thank you for the suggestion, though!
I appreciate it.
@Tetsuo_Kawakami, Are you able to get your excellent hack working with a subtask instead of a task? That’s actually what my client needs, ideally. We have it working well today again (after Asana’s bug fix) at the task level, but I tried everything I could think of to get it to work at the subtask level and nothing worked for me:
since the due date is found in the subtask, one must move the dummy date to the same subtask in order for the formula calc to work, but that alone fails to transfer the due date to the portfolio
I tried setting the dummy date on the subtask’s parent too, but no help
I tried (without the immediately above bullet) multi-homing the subtask back into the same project and that also fails to transfer the due date to the portfolio
It seems there will be a required task to remind our people to put a date in the arbitrary delivery date field in the project and portfolio. Right? I do not know why I thought I could fix a date to the task’s field in the project template, and in the project portfolio so that it was fully automated. I wonder if I added the single select field, “delivery task” (for example) if I could make a rule to say when “delivery task” is selected for a task, to automatically set the arbitrary date to what I want. Then, I am assuming, I would still need to set it in the portfolio, though. Not sure. I will play around with it at some point.
@lpb , @Nova1
As I wrote above, it’s just an idea and I didn’t test it by myself.
Then I tried that.
As you said, it doesn’t work well.
When a subtask is multihomed, rollup(due date - dummy date) become double.
Strangely enough when a subtask isn’t multihomed, it is zero.
I think that is Asana’s bug.
I managed to achieve your hope by doing the following.
but it’s so complicated and maybe not perfect in any situations. I hope Asana fix this bug.
1. add formula field which have below in a project.
2. revise specific due date(formula field) in a portfolio to below.
This morning I reconfirmed above. now it doesn’t work well any more.
another way is the following.but it is only for a subtask. You can’t use this for a task.
add a formula field named “rollup of duration” below.