if you change a due date of a specific task, specific due date field in portfolio will be also updated to a due date of a specific task.
The difference of one day will occur in case you change a due date just before day changing.
I think that’s a rare case.
But if you need a perfect, you can append another dummy field of date in a project and a portfolio, set a same date for them and subtract/add them in formula fields of 1 and 7.
I’ve tested it on my side. When I set it up for the first time, specific date on portfolio is correct but if I try to change my task due date - the portfolio date doesn’t change.
YES! I was needing something like this this week and was really struggling. Moving the value to the dummy field is genius!!! Thank you so much! We have been building out new Project templates and Portfolios for our work flow, and only being able to manage/see the project due date and not one of the ones from a task inside the project (The count down is actually better!) has been a huge stumbling block to get the visibility for my team leads we need at a glance! I knew there had to be a way. Thanks again!!
This has stopped working… It looks like the rule that copies the ‘due date - today’ value to the ‘due date-today 2’ field no longer works? I cannot seem to recreate it either, but notice asana has added some new ‘options’. Anyone else have this issue? A fix?
It seems that when I make this rule as part of my template for making a new project, that is when this does not work. If I write it for each project (A LOT!) that works. The problem seems to revolve around the rule. I look at the rule when a project is created from the template, and the rule ‘looks’ right, but nothing happens. If I delete the rule and rewrite it, then it works…???
Thank you for your comment.
I confirmed that.
When using a template, we need to use bundle to avoid that.
If you make the rule in a bundle and set this bundle to a template , the rule will work.
I recognized this post is wrong.
“specific due date” changes day by day.
To avoid that, we need to append a date custom field for dummy in projects and portfolios.
I’ll revise this post later.but I write a summary below;
Append a date custom field named “dummy date” to both projects and portfolios
Set any date as you like to “dummy date” for the specific task.But you need to set the same date in a portfolio.
Change the definition of “due date - today” to (Due date - dummy date)/1440+0
Change the name of “due date - today” to “due date - dummy date”
Change the name of “due date - today2” to “due date -dummy date2”
Change the definition of “specific due date” to DateAdd(dummy date,Rollup(due date - dummy date2))