📈 Track project progress in a Portfolio based on weight, effort or number-based goal (not just % of task completion)

A client recently asked me how to track the progress of their project within a portfolio but instead of the percentage of tasks completed, they wanted the percentage based on the effort level of each task. So during a live engagement, the below steps is what I came up with on the spot.

My client then told me that I definitely need to post this workaround because they couldn’t find anything like this in the forum. So I’m happy to share how to set this up :slight_smile:

Here goes…

  1. Create an Effort level single-select field and add it to your project, something like the below:

    You can add as many number options as you need. I’m just adding 3 here, to keep things simple.

  2. Create an Effort incomplete number field with no decimal place and add it to your field library.

  3. Create an Effort complete number field with no decimal place and add it to your field library.

  4. In your project, hide both Effort incomplete and Effort complete so your project should looks like this:

  5. Create a custom rule to essentially map the single-select options of Effort level to the Effort incomplete number field, like this:

  6. Create a custom rule so that when any task (or subtask) is complete, then set the Effort complete number value to the same as the task’s Effort incomplete number, like below.
    :bulb: Note, the final otherwise if to clear the Effort complete value if the task is marked incomplete.

    You could optionally, make a much simpler rule as per below, using the Effort incomplete value as a variable. But this method will not consider the scenario if someone changes the effort level after the task is complete. However, if that is an unlikely scenario, then use the much simple rule below instead of the one above:

  7. Optionally, create a rule so that if a person changes the number values of either the Effort incomplete or Effort complete, to send them a comment that they should use the Effort level single-select field instead, like this:

  8. Create a portfolio or add your project to an existing one.

  9. In your portfolio, create a roll up field for Effort incomplete and another rollup field Effort complete (and call them Effort incomplete rollup and Effort complete rollup respectively) as per below (you may optionally add these to your field library and hide them in your portfolio):

  10. Create a formula field called % Effort (you may optionally add it to your field library) in your portfolio like this:

  11. Now as you complete tasks in your projects, the % Effort field will actually show the progress based on the task effort level :star_struck:

    You may want to optionally hide the roll up fields so that you only see the % Effort field.

If you are on the Enterprise tier, I recommend you create a Bundle out of the above so you can apply the fields and the relevant rules to all projects that you want to use this in. :wink:

:rocket: See all of my top tips & tricks on my website .


Asana truely is a big box of Lego isn’t it?

Amazing what you can do when you know how you can fit the pieces together.

Love it!

That’s exactly how I feel, @Jan-Rienk . Everything in the Customize menu are my Lego blocks :heart:

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Thanks for sharing those awesome workarounds (this one is also very cool).

A question please
Do you think that would be possible to have the progress visible at the portfolio level; but based on this type of field (see screenshot) instead of a number field, like in your example “%Effort”?

For example, the progress of certain identified tasks would make the field “Progress” change in the portfolio. That means a custom way of showing progress, with a bar, at the portfolio level.

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Hi @Arthur_BEGOU , yes for sure, I don’t see why not.
You would basically setup the battery bar field and then a rule that is driven by the ‘% Effort’ number field, in this case.

So it is very similar to step 6 in my other workaround, by creating a similar rule, as per below. Note, you would need both these 2 fields in the portfolio, but you could hide the ‘% Effort’ number field if you don’t want to see it and just keep the Progress battery bar field instead.

Thanks for your help.

However, for some reason, I can’t find the Condition based on the Number field (% Progress Roll-up) in the portfolio.
Are you sure those conditions are available in portfolios?

Both fields are in the library

Rollup and formula (and portfolio rules) is definitely not my current Asana field of expertise …
Thanks a lot in advance :wink:

Ah, you’re absolutely right, @Arthur_BEGOU ! Such a rule condition at the portfolio level is not currently available so, no it would not be currently possible to recreate a battery progress bar at the portfolio level, sorry! :confused:

A variation of that great use-case I’ve tested is the “weighted” progress, where the completion of milestones has different % of progress as soon as they are completed.

You probably knew that already, but I directly worked with the unit “%” at the project level, and I was able to have it roll-up as a % at the portfolio level.

Yes, @Arthur_BEGOU ! That works quite well when you use a percentage number field :wink:

Just the other day, I did the same but rolling up the percentage weight of all subtasks within all tasks of a project. Much more insightful than the native task progress field in a Portfolio.

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