🔋 Automated task progress battery bars to show completion of subtasks

Currently, it is not possible to visually show the progress of a task based on the completion of subtasks, neither numerically (a percentage) or visually (a battery bar). Hoping this will become a feature in Asana but until then here is a workaround that addresses both!

Before you read further, there is a caveat to this workaround, as it will only work for predefined subtasks, either within a task template or a rule action ‘Create subtasks’. This workaround will NOT work for any subtasks that you progressively add to a task, as I explain at the end of this post. Additionally, this workaround requires Formula fields which are available in the Advanced and Enterprise tiers.

  1. Create a single-select custom field called :green_square: Progress as per below (using these emojis :white_large_square: :green_square:) or feel free to import such fields from my Custom Field Templates from my website (look for the :battery: Progress Bars collection) and add it to your project.

  2. Create a number field (with no decimals) called :arrow_right_hook: Subtasks and add it to your project.

  3. Create a number field (with no decimals) called :arrow_right_hook: Complete and add it to your project.

  4. Create a custom rule as per below that will add a 1 value whether the task is complete or incomplete:
    :bulb: Note the last action to clear the :arrow_right_hook: Complete value.

  5. Create a formula field called % Progress as per below, using the Rollup function:

  6. Create a custom rule as per below using the new number comparison conditions in rules :wink:

  7. Whether you setup a task template or a rule action as per below, make sure to add a number 1 value in the :arrow_right_hook: Subtasks field of each subtask. For rules, click on the :pencil2: icon

    and then add 1 value to the :arrow_right_hook: Subtasks field.

    and for Task Templates:

  8. Now for the magic! Whenever you use either a Task Template or the custom rule, all your subtasks will have the number 1 populated in the :arrow_right_hook: Subtasks field, like this:

    And whenever you complete subtasks, the rule will add a 1 value to the :arrow_right_hook: Complete field, like this:

    The formula field will populate the % Progress field which in turn will trigger the rule to adjust the :green_square: Progress field :star_struck:

  9. Finally, hide the :arrow_right_hook: Subtasks and the :arrow_right_hook: Complete fields so your project looks cleaner like this:

:exclamation: To elaborate on the reason why this workaround will NOT work for any subtasks that you progressively add to a task, is because subtasks do not technically belong to a project and therefore we cannot use the ‘When tasks added to the project’ trigger to simply add a 1 value to the :arrow_right_hook: Subtasks which would have been great. Perhaps this may in change in the future or someone can find a hack :person_shrugging:

:rocket: See all of my top tips & tricks on my website .


Super clever workaround for a highly requested feature
Well done @Richard_Sather :clap:


Great workaround, @Richard_Sather!

One thing: In #6, your rule’s “If” says Progress is less than 39 where I believe is should say Progress is less than 40, right?




Ah, thanks for the quality check, @lpb! Good catch :+1:
I’ve replaced the screenshot in step 6 :slight_smile:


Super clever indeed, hopefully we won’t have to do those super smart and equally awkward workarounds for long!


Very clever!!

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Hi @Richard_Sather, I absolutely love this feature you have created! We would love to use this for our organisation but we use a non-US data centre. Would you know of something like this that is available for non-US data centres?

Hi @Quirine_Jager , thanks, glad you like it!

You would need a US data centre to simply just download the custom field in step 1 - but that shouldn’t stop you from creating my workaround. Since you cannot download my custom field templates (because you are in a non-US data centre) instead, you could simply create the custom field yourself using the :white_large_square: :green_square: emojis that I mentioned above.

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Hi @Richard_Sather ,

I have built the progress feature for my team and they absolutely love it, I have also found a work around to ensure any new tasks get assigned the ‘subtask’ custom field value of 1. However, I was wondering if you would know any way to bulk update existing tasks with this same value of 1 to ensure they are used in the formula field that runs the progress bar? At the moment when I use the advanced search option to search for any tasks not assigned the custom field value of 1, this also included sub tasks of sub tasks. This then causes issues with the progress bars as these sub-sub tasks are not involved in the rule where it assigns ‘completed’ with the value 1.

Hi @Quirine_Jager , glad to hear your team loves it.

I think you could expand all tasks and multi-select all subtasks and type a 1 in the value. Wouldn’t that work?

Care to share your workaround?

@Richard_Sather I used your trick last week, it is amazing! thanks

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Niiice, @Bastien_Siebman :muscle:

@Richard_Sather - Hi Richard this looks great and I was really looking forward to give it a go and seeing how I can make use of it
 Then I ran into the “Formula” field
 Unfortunately I am on Asasna Starter pack so can’t do Formula fields

Oh well
 Will just read with envy the use cases that people post

But looks like an awesome feature


Thanks @Jason_Woods and sorry about that!
I’ve added a note in the post that this workaround requires Advanced and above!

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