I have a few swim lanes. When tasks are overdue, I move tasks out of current swimlane to our last column swim lane. However I want to set a reason for doing that in a custom field.
For example, if task overdue with custom field X Action should be A
IF task overdue with custom field Y Action should be B
Specific example -
if task is overdue and status = new lead, then set reason field unresponsive.
if task is overdue and status = hurdle, then set reason field overdue.
All the tiggers seem to only have the three options:
Task added
Task Updated
Task Timing
Any thoughts if this is possible? I looked into flowsana and doesn’t look like that they have that option either.
@anon30388366 Flowsana supports triggers on text custom fields. But I guess the issue is that we don’t (yet) support multiple trigger conditions? (It’s not entirely clear from your description where the text custom field comes into play in your scenario.)
Hey @anon30388366 , by using Workino you can filter your custom field based on text and number. For your case, you can simply use the Workino text-based rule. You can check how it can be configured and more information about rule in this post.