The name on my invoice does not match the Billing Owner

I am ridiculously frustrated. I just want to pay my bill and we’re going to lose access next week. We changed the billing owner to my name almost a year ago but our invoice still lists two individuals who no longer work at our company, including their home address. My company refuses to pay this invoice with such inaccurate information. I can’t seem to get help from Asana.

I saw this post on this forum from three years ago and it exactly matches my experience:


Dec 2022

“Our Asana account was initially created by someone no longer in the organization with their corp card which is no longer active. We got the message a while ago that we needed to update payment method. There’s no phone number, email, or simple way to contact customer service. I submitted a form to talk to the sales team. Never heard back. I emailed sales and someone responded and said they’d help but never heard back. I tried the chat and maybe because I didn’t get an immediate response and navigated to other things on my computer, they never responded so I assumed it didn’t work. I replied multiple times back to the original email that had responded, but no luck. I’m over a week into this process and finally got a response over chat and the response was someone will someday email me. Does Asana want to be paid or what? I’m working harder to pay you than I feel I should have to work. I’d like to set up payments with invoices like normal businesses function, but you are not responsive and I have no idea if my account will be shut down or when.”

Are there any suggestions for how to solve this?

Welcome, @Gillian_Mayman,

I’m sorry to hear that. Did you have an email exchange with Support? What happened?

I don’t know if contacting Sales will help, but you could try. I recommend Support using this temporary procedure:



I’ve contacted support multiple times. They have not responded to my most recent message. The one prior to that, they responded after normal business hours asking if I still needed help and then closed the ticket at 5 AM EST because I didn’t respond. Which was fully ridiculous.

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Hi @Gillian_Mayman, apologies for the trouble. I’ve consulted our Support team and they let me know that your case has since been resolved via email. Let us know if you need anything else